Yep bigotry is never unexamined. The votes pure your purity.

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Actually, the Israel nationalist anti-Palestinian cop/military violence in the Occupied Zones merely dovetails nicely with the white nationalist anti-non-white cop violence in this country, plus the cops of both countries behave, outside of their own ethnic zones, like they are occupying a foreign country. THAT is where I think the Israeli trainers come in, if I am correctly informed. (Alas, I have forgotten where I read that.) Perhaps I should have spoken more precisely.

BTW, I said earlier in this thread that I expected the vast majority of white cops came pre-taught in racism.

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^^^ So anyone who suggested Cletus is not a bigot can take a seat now. Because we all saw the comments about the trainer being incorrect.

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Your thrill at liberal tears exposes who you are. You tell us who you are. I believe you. You are deplorable.

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The squeak of your hobbyhorse has become tiresome.

You may not touch my monkey.

But you may say "Hello" to my little friend, the "Block" list.

Now is the time on Wonkette when we dance!


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It would be better if you just stop being a bigot.

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Well played.

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See you later.

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Well said, thanks. I accept the correction.

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Eh, their arguments aren't terrible, I just don't like the speed at which they jumped to conclusions. Even if you were anti-semitic, calmly using rational arguments has a much better chance of convincing you.

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And a significant number are combat veterans who see all “others” as enemies. Who is “others?” Anyone not wearing their uniform (and done who do).

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From what I've been told, ex-military in the police are rarer than you'd think and are actually more disciplined than normal cops in almost every way, given how rules of engagement are drilled into military recruits (and are emphatically not among police). Further, people with PTSD are more likely a greater danger to themselves than others.

Note that, of the police officers who have come to negative national attention, almost none are ex-military.

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I’m basing my opinion on anecdotal evidence - studies and case studies from individual departments and trainers. For example, “Dallas cops who were veterans fired their weapons more than those who never served in the armed forces, study shows.”https://www.themarshallproj...

Like I said, it’s evidence, but I do feel it’s anecdotal. We don’t have enough data because by and large, neither good nor bad behavior makes the news often enough to generate the funding (and then we have all sorts of bias to control for).

I will say I’m biased because I know firsthand that not all combat vets are created equal, and being forced to employ discipline while on active duty doesn’t mean you choose to carry that into civilian life.

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I've sort of been avoiding the news as of late, mostly because of working all the time, but I did hear about this shooting, and my first thought was, what kind of coward shoots at unarmed women? And now this.

His wife. Dead. Leaving him now a single father of an eight month old who will never know her own mother except through photos and stories. I'm so, so sorry, sir. May blessings forever be upon your wife's name.

May G-d watch over you and your daughter, forever, may He bring every blessing to your family and home. I am so sorry.

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Logic... exactly how does that work again?

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