That explains it. No ground to defend. Well, not till after you shoot 'em down.

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Whatever. Now get off my <strike>lawn</strike> tree!!

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I'm thinking the "concerned neighbor" is now very afraid she's going to get her meddling ass sued off by the parents of the kids, so she's backpedaling as quickly as she can. Next we'll find out she's the one who has all the stray cats rounded up and calls the police if a mysterious car is parked near her house.

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Maybe the child didn't obtain a building permit.

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Unfortunately my 2 god sons live right in this area of Henry County (20 miles south of Atlanta) Fortunately they haven't been shot yet, as they are what most would call 'blah' , so I guess that's good. I try to teach them bullet evasion techniques at every opportunity. To give you an example how bored shitless the cops there are, while moving their family in we saw a snake on the back deck, their mom panicked and called animal control (yes the snake was a huge monster, almost 12 inches long), who then called police since it was the weekend. Within 10 mins we had, no shit, 4 squad cars pull up and help capture the vicious serpent demon. The cop used his telescoping baton to pin down and grab the garter snake, and stuffed him in a Mcdonald's bag for transport back to a suitable location. And by that, I meant they probably drove away and flung him from a moving car into the woods. So I guess my point is that the cops are not all crazy, but they are definitely bored and looking for action of any sort, and in this case, maybe he thought they were building a trebuchet to attack neighboring subdivisions.

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Nah, that's been my logic most days since I was about 14. Shit does get old, though.

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Good thing these thugs in training got the message about the Po Po afore they encountered a neighborhood watch guard

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Sure, it's just a 'play fort' but before long they could be playing cowboys and Indians and then clod fights and I mean where does it end?

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An odd or murder or two every year, some lady-cop was banging or threatining somebody for something, hosting two Nascar races a year, basic exurban shit. As I mentioned before, we called the animal service for a snake, got four squad cars that subdued the foot long garter snake. Soooo nope, not much for the cops to do, they give out traffic tickets IN SUBDIVISIONS!

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I'm so glad that I wasn't born 15 years later.

Everything I hear about being a kid this century sounds a lot worse.

I guess the video games are better.

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The fall of Fort Blah will not be forgotten.

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The kids are lucky it was cops and not the neighborhood watch.

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Cue Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

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There is a lot of facepalm in that story, starting with making a 911 class because kids are breaking branches in a vacant lot.

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First comes the tree forts, then come sling shots, then come tennis ball canons and then come the hip hop.

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This smacks to me of having started with the Gladys Kravitz syndrome - albeit with a Southron flavor. And poor Abner (Edgar Dillard in this case) is left smoothing things over with the neighbors yet again. Hopefully at home it's: "<i>Jesus</i> 'Gladys', they pulled a gun on the boys! Are you satisfied?"

EDIT: damn, missed it by <i>that</i> much.

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