Yeah, I'me thinking his BAC would be about Oh point dead and a half percent.

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19 Pale Ales in a day? I knew there was a reason you impressed me.

But, even still, the weakest lamest light beer is still around half the strength of real beer, so at 22 real equivalents, mumble mumble, seven hours,mumble mumble,.... unless the fucker weighs 400 pounds (which is, of course, possible), his BAC should have been north of 0.30%. He must have had some pow'ful chemical assistance to drive for two hours.

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Wait a second. He just copped a binding plea, and he isn't to be sentenced for four months? Are they trying to give him time to apply for a passport?

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And all through the 2-hour drive to Ohio, he didn't think about it either? Just got to the mosque, then suddenly remembered why he was there, and picked up right where he left off after "jumping up".

Of course, the only way anyone can watch Faux News without face-palming themselves into a coma, is if they “definitely do not think about it."

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just don't give him a box of Cheerios and a lighter

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Just to all Godwin, substitute "synagogue" for "mosque" and you've got Germany in the 1930s. (Hopefully with the exception that the judge actually puts this guy in jail for what he did instead of giving him a medal.)

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From the Toledo Blade article: <i>...Linn, 52, of St. Joe, Ind., pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to one count each of intentionally defacing, damaging, and destroying religious property; using a fire to commit a felony; and using and carrying a firearm to commit a crime of violence. As part of a binding plea agreement accepted in court, he will be ordered to serve 20 years in prison when sentenced April 16 and will be required to pay restitution to the mosque....</i> Well, 20 years in the federal slam may give him a new outlook on this kind of stuff. Plus, a chance to dry out. OTOH, I'm guessing he isn't much into introspection, so he'll probably just come out a bitter old codger. But this does mean 20 years of single payer health care. Will he protest the soshulism?

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I also live right next door to Hicksville. Fortunately, Hicksville NY.

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Can't someone just charge FOX with inciting a riot?

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I bet he's redolent of urine, too.

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My first reaction, when I feel that my life is threatened by a group of people, is to burn their empty building. It's just good sense.

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does that mean we get to finally waterboard Hannity?

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that's because you were doing it all wrong. You forgot your eight-ball of meth.

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we need something to replace the Twinkie defense...

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99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer take one down, burn down a Mosque 98 bottles of beer...

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Burning down a solitary, vacant mosque makes sense. The way burning a few Korans makes sense.

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