YES! twice. Lost both times and refused to pay and when Sue and her husbans won their counter suit, they refused to pay that one too. I moved before I heard the conclusion but I like to think Sue's husband blew the whole hedge up before leaving with a troupe of ninjas.

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A sorority that dresses entirely in "the cutest" Dolce & Gabanna stuff can't be all bad.

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Hey, I'm an alum too! Fist-bump!

Oh shit, that gesture is terrorist, right? <a href="http://wonkette.com/491695/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://wonkette.com/491695/obama-terrorist-fist-j...">http://wonkette.com/491695/...

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Double major: B.A in Self Pity and B.S. in Persecution Complex

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Do you suppose she works for Dead Breitbart protegee James O'Keefe? Oh the possiblities for failure would be so delightful !

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Instead of Smith she should have gone to Ole Miss.

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Worse, probably one of those private girls schools.

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It's only a matter of time before the invisible gorillas show up. Maybe her's will be muslim.

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Was it your floppy ears or your gigantic balls that put them off ?

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Referencing yestrday's story about the gentleman from Tennesse you called the cops and shot up his living room because of the invisible gorillas hanging around.

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Wow...Meth really <i>is</i> slimming.

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"If you were to take sorority girls and lay them end to end i wouldn't be surprised" -D. Parker

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a woman I used to work with had a neighbor who acted like that, sort of. She was convinced my co-worker's husband was a ninja who trimmed her shrubs at night, with lasers. That sounds like a weird porno doesn't it. Fortunately meth was not involved but the police were. Often. And lawsuits too.

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stay safe please. snark off Can you camoflague your place with crucifixes? snark on

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also, too I'm glad you got off the stuff. The destruction it causes is worse that anything opiates can do. IMO

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<i>“personally as a straight girl at Smith, I feel marginalized and I feel like the minority,”</i>

We feel your pain, sister. Signed, KKK of Massachusetts

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