Just saw the family that ICE just broke up on TV (The View).

What completely tore my heart out was that his 12 year old son was unable to say anything to his dad while on the show because he couldn't speak past his pain and tears.

Trump makes me so-o-o-o damn proud to be an American!

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Because Scandinavia has a better standard of living than certain gun ridden racist no health care shitholes I could mention.

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They don't think it is an acceptable price to pay. They think it is the price the rest of us should have to pay for not caving in to their demands and giving them what they wanted because they wanted it, even though they couldn't produce a majority. They don't give a flying fuck about any of these people and they never did.

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I have a suggestion for my fellow liberal travelers who are as enraged by stories like these as I am. Print off a few copies; enough to make a decent sized ball when crumpled together. Then, when the next Stein 2020 Jimmy Dorebot starts talking about the corrupt duopoly, cram this story straight down their throat. With VOTES....or something..

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No because they are white

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I'm so sad for this family. Even if these fuckers in this administration get bounced on their asses it will take several years to get Mr. Garcia back. He's worth more to our country than the whole of Trump's cabinet.

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Trump just sees this as one less Brown person

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Oh, this is EXACTLY what the dumbasses voted for. He was clear during the campaign that he was out to ruin healthcare in this state. He said over and over again exactly what he was going to do. The dumbasses only saw the R behind his name. Now they're howling because the leopards are eating their faces.

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He's talking about the 25% who will be forced by the New Cruelty to work regardless of their actual ability to do so (and, frankly, I think 25% is low; I'm sure if they work at it they can find a way to force children on Medicaid to have after-school jobs).

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Well, it would take a truly disturbed, powerhungry, paranoid, selfish and idiotic man with absolutely no regard for the lives of other humans to actually plan a terrorist attack on his own country in order to protect Republicans chances at election, wouldn't it?

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I've said it before and I'll say it 'til I'm blue in the face - this administration, their lackeys and supporters are literally, not figuratively, the anti-Christ. They have no interest in following Christ's example and purposefully seek to undermine any policy that even comes close to it. "Christian Nation" my atheist ass!

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Most of the illegal immigrants I knew in NYC were Irish/French/Czech (mostly Irish) who came over on tourist/student visas, overstayed, and were here for at least a decade. Never heard of a single one being deported. I have no idea what would be different about them (especially since the Irish guys ALL worked in construction).

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I can't muster up anything better than this.

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Cue the local news stories featuring tearful rednecks with sick kids/elders/spouses who are shocked--SHOCKED that they'll be losing their benefits. Bed. Made. Lie.

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Not in my united states. This must not stand.

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Low-hanging fruit -- theater to make it look like they're really "doing something" about "illegals."

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