Remember to take your liberty pills to make your shits be red, white and blue and your farts smell like apple pie.

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I think his syndrome could be completely cured with a sufficiently large dick taken 3x a day. Lets make this happen people.

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Well the pledge of allegiance was actually written by a socialist, strange that most of the people who actually recite it hate " dem' socialists." <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pledge_of_Allegiance">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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I think you mean, " Heil "

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When Judges and Police mistake groveling before authority and actual justice they should be stripped of their pensions and thrown into a 9x10.

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Why don't we run them into the seas and force them to evolve into at least amphibians?

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The Southern States take the balk of money spent on social programs. If the rest of the US stopped sending aid to the Bible Belt they would be about as well off as the people in North Korea, who have a cannibalism problem.

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He did a nice job writing that decree from his scooter.

OT, but Vietnam ribbon? That would mean you spent more time in Vietnam than Newt Gingrich. (I set the bar pretty low, eh?) Also more time than me.

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The best part is that he was a Baptist minister. Watching Evangelicals google that tid bit is hilarious.

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I'm sure this judicial wizard was wearing a robe of some kind during that courtroom lynching.

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