Many years back, I had a guy flying in from Sweden, scheduled to give a talk at a conference in Portland, OR. He called from Maine to apologize for being a no-show.

Narrowly averted a similar fate myself, when Hertz called to ask why I was renting a car in St. John's, NFLD, when I had a ticket to St. John, NB.

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This is the wrong venue, but if you can keep your digital face straight, you're gold.

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D' oh

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Big Win.

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What I want to know, is why didn't people do this back when I was travelling? So I could tell them to go fuck themselves? And maybe have a fistfight? Business travel is sooo fucking boring.

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Truly, I hate to stand in line. But sometimes you just have to, and the best you can do is just chill.

Full disclosure: I only reached this opinion after I was maybe 55.

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So, they'll wait until they die?

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Cool story (literally).

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I'm a parent. I had pretty good insurance. Emergency Room: if your kid isn't actually bleeding to death, please have a seat.

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They make a talking Bigot Barbie?

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Ahahahha. Wait - whut?

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Once more we see the true reason the right opposes the ACA: they simply hate the idea they might have to share their Doctor with poors.

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Hell, I'm a nobody and even I get limo rides or at least a town car from time to time. If not I catch a cab like everybody else and play "guess what language your driver is speaking" on the way to the hotel

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you should've seen the flight I'm on- a plane full of n00bs. Close to 20 people tried to board the wrong plane and it's the first time Ive ever seen someone who actually needed the instructions on how to use the seatbelt

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