Looks like it's not that far into greater Portland - almost a straight shot in from Boring* on rte 26.

* Yes, really.

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For a week or two, anyway, until they get tired of driving an extra 6 blocks to buy cookies.

After that, the punitive damages and court costs for discriminatory sales practices are likely to take a nice bite out of the cookie.

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Note to Mr. Aaron Klein: Please google "lunch counter" and also "yellow star." Amazing the things one can learn from Wikipedia.

I had a great-uncle who was gay and Jewish. As a young man in the 1930s he fled Germany, escaping by the skin of his teeth, and went to Johannesburg, where he opened an antiques shop and did very nicely for himself. He was the sweetest old gent, and visited us in the US in the 1970s, whereupon he defended apartheid by explaining that "blacks don't have souls like white people."

There is no shortage of evil in the world.

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You're very kind, assuming his thought process progressed beyond "Gays are icky!"

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Moobs or hermaphrodite?

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I bet he won't make devilsfood cake, either.

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I guess the gays are finding out that getting a suitable baker for your wedding cake ain't easy. My wife and I had a hell of a time finding someone who could accomodate our need for a wedding cake made with the blood of Christian babies.

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Laurel, I accept that the two skills are somewhat different, but for someone with such good penwomanship, that cake looks messy.

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Jesus was <em>all about</em> screaming fuck you in the face of any person he encountered who wasn't in perfect every way, of course.

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<blockquote>You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.</blockquote>

-- Anne Lamott

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Remains to be seen whether it's financially suicidal. There's plenty of people out there willing to give themselves diabetes in celebration of open displays of mindless hate.

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GLaDOS sees what you did there.

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Bakeries are the central flashpoint in society today. With their (racist?) white cakes, angel vs devil food concoctions, and greedy obsession with making dough, bakeries bring out the worst in people. I blame the Food Network.

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Klein has also discontinued bear claws on the same principle.

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He also refuses to sell black-and-white cookies with the white on <i>left</i> side. Because of religion.

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