But they add up. By the time you get to five standard deviations, things are getting pretty fucking weird.

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Partial to that, are you?

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This seems to be self-defining.

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The gravitational redshift of a hot brazilian exchange student leads to a singularity.

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Jack/Jorma LIBEL!

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You know, I'm an old man of the male persuasion. So I have never had any direct contact contact with Planned Parenthood (except for the pittance I throw them every year).

But I am just fucking tired of assholes like this math-ish teacher, who ignore the vast amount of unarguable good done by PP in promoting and improving the health of women who don't have any alternatives, simply because it's willing to address abortion as a possible option.

Just. fucking. tired.

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This is getting hyperbolic.

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People have been trying to spell nasty words upside down on a calculator for at least forty years.

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This is, maybe, what they call a category error?

Because there is no point in encouraging sexual activity among teenagers.

Teenagers are sufficiently encouraged to have sexual activity by virtue of being teenagers.

(Note, I had a slight misspelling, since corrected, which was "teeneagers". Actually, as I recall, that works too.

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Even in my day, study hall (or, more precisely, alternative study hall for student paper or music rehearsal) was open to an unsupervised range of topics.

Not actual shagging, though. This was the midwest.

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But the question is, did he ever have stack overflow?

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When I was, say, in middle school (i.e., 1960), my mom -- who was a primary teacher in central Milwaukee -- brought home some mimeographs (don't even ask) of what she was now expected to teach regarding "new math". It was basic set theory, which even in middle school I could recognize, although for me it was recent news.

I'm almost certain there isn't any newer "new math", unless somebody has started teaching elementary school kids Lie algebras, so my point, such as it is, is that "new math" is at least fifty years old.

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It's the hormones that shelter them.

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