really nothing is as good as the ending of 'inglorious bastards'

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My father-in-law?

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I believe that the descendants of those who kept slaves and who fought for the continuance of that slave-based economy would gladly keep slaves today if they could. And they're pissed because they can't.

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<i>"Put the historic context on the backburner of the olden days."</i>

WTF does that even mean?

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Jake Barnes: not a loyal Amurrican, on account of how he came back from the war with his balls shot off and just hung around Paris mooning after Lady Brett instead of starting a patriotic gun factory in Oak Park or someplace.

Captain Ahab: not a loyal Amurrican. Got diverted into whale love/anger and took the whole floating energy-extraction platform (the <i>Pequod</i>) down with him. And Queeg-Queeg was blah.

Jay Gatsby: suspected Joo. Need more be said?

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As opposed to, say, <i>Macbeth</i>?

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If college is outlawed, only outlaws will go . . . uh, waitaminnit . . .

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If I were in Westeros, and assuming I hadn't already died of consumption, starvation, Wildling attack, ice zombie, or senseless violence, I would simply refuse to attend any wedding. Nothing good comes of any of them!

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I don't know, I think a little non-Euclidean geometry and Cyclopean horrors from beyond the world crooning songs of things Man Was Not Meant To Know might actually be good for these morons. The Necronomicon might actually turn them SANE!

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But they want to add everyone's biological and technological distinctiveness to their own!

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My money's on Gendry, in the end, if George ever gets there.

Oh, and this: <a href="http://24.media.tumblr.com/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqcqq0M5hQ1qb6v...">http://24.media.tumblr.com/...

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Worrying about <i>books</i> is kinda silly. Everyone knows the Kidz can only read 140 characters at a time.

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I thought Moby Dick was about Dubya and his obsession with proving his dick was moby-er than his father's.

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You're right! Now I'm going to quote you without attribution.

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