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It was a dark and stupid night.

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Maybe some talented artiste will agree to Photoshop the happy couple into the wedding scenes of their choice. I understand David Bugnon is looking for work.

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Even Levitcus never says "Thou shalt not photographs gh3y weddings"

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"Dating", I think. (I confess to going to HuffyPoo because I'm too lazy to set up RSS to do my own news aggregation).

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Sure, but they're just folks...not Sons 'O God.

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"Fight for the Right to Stop Someone Else's Party".

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Oy...so much in fact that sometimes is just better to leave the generic pictures in the frames you buy from Wal-Mart.

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Pfft...silly Obama, wanting to help people...

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OT: I hate how so many pictures of Jesus show him in a state of surprised agony. The dude knew what was coming. Sure, he might have been hurting...that was part of the gag...but surprise?

It would have been better that these schlocky paintings show him as hurting, but totally cool with it. Sort of like, "yeah, it hurts...but you have to not care that it hurts. This, my friends, is how you spit in death's eye". Maybe that way people would follow that example and not be so much, "ooooh, you made Jesus cry, I'm so going to smite you for that!".

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That's her core sales demographic, duh!

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Hey, having been to a few weddings in the more rural parts of my beloved state all I can say is it takes a great deal of skill to make the heifer wife and her grunting swine of a husband look like something that won't be used to frighten small children.

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Seriously. How hard could it be to jack the price or say, nope...all filled that weekend? I mean, she's already a hateful bigot, she shouldn't be coy about telling a lie.

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She could have even said "will they be serving soup at the reception? Yes? Well sorry I only take jobs where no soup is served."

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Idea for a fun rainy day activity. Call or email to ask if she does Muslim weddings.

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Or liquor...that's a Christian anti-favorite, right?

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