Three words: fuel-air votes.

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Liberals are terrorists. Leave his Land alone or else. We are Military trained and if the Federal Government wants to go to War with the American People then bring it. You Nazi Fascists have no idea what you're getting yourself into. You have a problem with our 1st and 2nd Amendments? Then get the hell out of the Country.

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All other ranchers in Nevada have been run off their land by the BLM and their land grabbing. Most all of Neveda is federal land now. BTW have you ever read the constitution and what it says about the federal government owning land and how much they can own?

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Most of you people sound like you are about 8 years old. But to those who are serious the day will come when the true patriotic America people again have the freedoms our founding fathers wrote. This day will come because we don't get paid for being what we are.

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Άχρηστος, πληρώνετε τους φόρους σας! (OK, that's actually modern Greek, but ...)

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"My forefathers have been all up and down the Kardashian Valleys since the 1800s!"

Probably a better lie, because there are no deeds to those huge tracts of land.

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When the <strike>legend</strike> bullshit becomes fact, print the <strike>legend</strike> bullshit.

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Cliven Bundy? He prefers to be known by his Native American name: Dances With Fox.

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As we say in my house, he's lying like a Republican.

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We are stardust. We are golden.

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He probably was not invited back after one particular family reunion. I suspect Cliven found one of Grandpa's sheep, had butt sex with the wooly mammal, and was caught about the same time the sheep bellowed D-A-D-D-Y.

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Bundy Ranch - Home to the Deranged since 1948.

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"Beneficial use means we created the forage and the water..."

Bundy says he (not "He") created the water? Guess he hasn't been watching Cosmos.

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Depends...will the Kardashians be still living there?

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