Can we get rid of those fuckers?

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Not really news, they're goose stepping to the same republican tune. They always do, they like taking orders.

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Irresponsible not to speculum...I'll just let myself out...

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To me, yes.

To Jason Chaftetz, not so much.

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Ugh. Chaffitz is such and oily little weasel. I've hated his ass face ever since I first saw him getting beat by Colbert at leg-wrestling.

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Yeh, echo your comments about 'the Ox', pretty boy draft dodger, ass kisser corporate 'hack'! You should come back to Findlay for the ceremony when they change the post office in his honor!

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Isn't it Mormonic? Dontchya think?

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I know, right?

I'm still convinced Obama's gonna grab all our guns, but I feel like he's been waiting a very long time to get started. Maybe he'll do it in the lame duck session so that President Trump has to deal with all the civil unrest it causes.

Is two months enough time to grab all the guns?

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I would have thought that the critter living on top of Chaffetz's head would be more of a supporter of the critter living on top of Trump's head... but now that I think about it, maybe it's more in sympathy with the critter that lives on top of Rand Paul's head.

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Redefining smarmy, Sen . Kirk trashes Tammy Duckworth, double amputee war vet, as she was born in Thailand...to a US Marine, whose American heritage goes back to the founders. Meanwhile, he 'misrepresented' his stateside service in Naval Reserve as 'combat experience'...oops! I could just puke, but instead, I voted yesterday. Feeling much better now.

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Where was this enthusiasm for investigating when I was a middle schooler and Dubya was being Dubya?

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Jason Chaffetz: another addition to the GOP lawmaker basket of loathsomes.

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The REAL stupidity here is that the standing order was set to expire in December 2017. They're likely to extend it for another 8 years now. (Which, as I understand it, is what the suit asked for.)

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If only they would go the fuck home. .But no, they're babies who take their ball, throw it through the front window, take a shit on the lawn, and then park themselves to cry and scream in front of the house for the next 2-6 years, depending.

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As someone smarter then me pointed out, 100% of everybody is related to at least one woman.

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