But if all the "wimps" are with the women on the pill, that would mean all the alphas are with the women who aren&#039t. Therefore, the only genes being passed on would be the most masculine. So, Matt should be pleased as punch that the pill is actually making more John Wayne&#039s and Frank Sinatra&#039s. No?

Also, I really don&#039t want to know how long it took to find that gif.

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The alternative explanation--that his mysogyny is repulsive to women--just isn't something he can accept.

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The little blue <strike>birth control</strike> pill is a dramatic and potentially harmful “medication” designed to “cure” a natural function of an elderly man's <strike>a woman’s</strike> body.


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Stop making sense.

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It was a good thing no children or small animals were in my path as I rushed out to take this nitwit seriously, or I'd have had that on my conscience come Judgment Day.

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I dunno about trust, but I've been happily snipped since 1992.

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Okay, so is this "theory" better or worse than Swanson's "The pill leaves tiny dead fetus bodies in your uterus" one? I feel there must be some sort of hierarchy here.

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Lets make a list:

Cons: Birth control might possibly contribute to cancer in 2 of 100,000 women.

Pros: What's got amount to several hundred thousands of pregnancies prevented for those same women.

Unrelated Fact: Rate of maternal mortality in childbirth in U.S. estimated at 18.5 mothers died for every 100,000 births.

Running Utility calculation.... calculating.... calculating....

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I bet Walsh has no problem with a little blue pill that frees him from his old white male biology.

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They speak at them all the time. <i> Listening,</i> eh, not so much.

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The only explanation that fits the facts is that they must value dying in childbirth as somehow significantly less bad than dying from cancer.

Either that or they are ignorant assholes, but I repeat myself.

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<i>This isn’t conservative antifeminism, this is just science, and you should be terrified by it, ladies!</i>

I don’t know why, but for some reason, I just don’t trust him.

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