I've eaten in restaurants smaller than that "kitchen."

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Seriously, I'm cis fem, but _willing to negotiate_.

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That IS a good one! Glad I finally know Grace Kelly was assassinated. News to me. I'll tell you a funny story about her. When I taught at Pitt a fan of hers brought her to the 'burgh to read poetry about (no kidding) birds and flowers at the Pgh Poetry Forum. It was the dead of winter and there were old piles of snow all over the streets and sidewalks near the Carnegie Music Hall where this shindig was held. The Forum paid for workmen to come and put all the dirty snow into dump trucks and carry it away the day Her Serene Highness was arriving. God forbid, Grace Kelly of Philadelphia should cast her royal eyes on dirty snow!

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Does anyone cover that any more? NOLA's Times-Picayune used to do it up right but I doubt even they describe the dresses these days. I'm impressed you knew to capitalize Alençon but you transposed letters. My newspaper didn't have the cedilla "c," so it was a long time before I knew how to pronounce it.

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I'm an old gay (and apparently dyslexic), brought up by grandmothers who lived for that kind of thing. As I kid, we poured over them. I learned shade and snark (and a lot of gynecology) from those old ladies and I'm forever grateful. How could I not adore those two cantankerous women who made me practice my penmanship because "You can know a gentleman by his fine hand." I miss them every day.

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Did they have their bodies covered in sores before or after killing them?? AHHH good times

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Money isn't everything, but it sure keeps the kids around.

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It's based on the ratio of incomes vs housing prices.I assume San Jose pays worse than SF.

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Yes, the lighting would be much more pleasant if the shades were turned to make it indirect.

The room looks like it echoes when you walk in.

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You shouldn't take it for granite.

*someone had to do it*

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"Hysterectomy pants, I call them!" - Cry-Baby, John Waters

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No, in their Lifestyle sections, the Times has always tried to sadistically inflict upon readers the pain of how inferior their lives are, and how everyone else it seems is fabulously living it up. It's their tradition of cruelty.

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Or one Republican Senator.

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I inherited a big bag of marbles from my father, but I lost them all.

Last time I saw them was right before I laughed at somebody's dick joke.

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I think the lighting fixture was intended to be inexpensive desk lamps, but you know what happens when interior designers become wealthy enough to afford cocain.

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Not infrequently it's somebody else's family's money, but just so long as you have family money, is the thing.

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