time to move out dude. And hide the keys

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absolutely delicious. He'd be awesomely destructively entertainingly bad. Mooch on steroids with no self-awareness. Like giving all the terrible people hand grenades and locking them into a steel shipping container to sort their differences out. With votes of course. Go MM go!

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Yay public schools FTW!

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In a nation that 1) cared about their kids and 2) was even trying to be Christian human they would.

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I don't think Trump can read.

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Yes, everything is terrible and getting worse. However, some hope from Vox:


I kind of hate links with no further info, so here are the high points:

1) Extreme poverty is falling

2) Child mortality is falling (except maybe in Texas)

3) We’re getting better at preventing preventable diseases (except AIDS in America, it seems)

4) Clean energy is getting cheaper

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It must be immensely frustrating to be a decent used car salesman.

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He is a rock star, and I look forward to his upcoming concerts with the House Judiciary Committee this season.

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Yes, yes, yes! We as a family are so much happier and less stressed out this year it's unbelievable. They're getting a much better education, they have more (and much nicer!) friends, and no more bullying. And the teachers, omg, I could go on and on. They're all freaking amazing.

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Kinda. Sort of. Maybe. Just a little.

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That is wonderful! I'm continuously amazed at the sheer wonderfulness (diversity, opportunities, teachers, supportiveness and lack of bullying) of the public schools my kids attend, too. It's one of the greatly happiness-inspiring things in life, no?

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A smocking gun is a little-used and very dangerous sewing tool...oops, I see someone got there first below. Oh well! I don't understand the Idiot-In-Chief's relationship with The Phonics. At all.

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Isn't he approximately five years old now?

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Omg yes, that's fantastic too!

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