In my experience, legislators flee like cockroaches when a bunch of meanies (or teachers, same diff) shows up wanting to have a civil conversation with them about funding inequities between urban and suburban school districts. My personal representative pretended to be her own secretary when I came calling. I guess she couldn't get under the fridge fast enough. After quite a while spent tramping through the halls of the people's building wondering where the hell the legislators were, I saw a couple of beefy highway patrol troopers guarding a conference room from whence an equally beefy, mesquite smoked aroma emanated. Well. You could've knocked me over with a brisket sandwich when I saw a sign on the door that said it was a barbecue luncheon sponsored by an oil industry group for legislators only. At least I didn't need to worry about getting bbq sauce on my American flag tie. The voters had the last laugh though. The next governor was a Democrat.

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What? Why should they have to 'Honor the First Amendment?' It's not like they put their hand on a bible and swore to uphold the constitution or anything.

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Betsy DeVos will take care of that. Soon there won't be a grade school for them to go to, just a revolving schedule of Amway "sales conferences"

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Carl Sandberg is my hero. I love his poetry. Extra bonus points for that one. :)

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Trying to dismiss the truthtellers and the resistance is straight out of Goebbels' playbook. Just like everything else.

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A new Wonk meme is born!

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Not one of these fucknuts ever considered that these people out protesting and kicking up their heels over stuff, might be the kind of people who do not consider themselves "left" or "right" or "liberal" or "conservative", but just plain righteous people who have this crazy idea that their elected officials should promote the will of the people who did the electing, and not for said official's own political/ financial gain.

And for the record, Tom McClintock is a grifty douche.

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"Dissent is not violence"-- add that to the "Resist" slogan. :)

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FEMA camps.... whatever happened to the FEMA camps we were promised??

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And who says it's progressives doing the intimidating? How 'bout just sane people with moral consciences?

Aw, who'm I kidding? Of course it's progressives.

Legal disclaimer: Also responsible for gun violence, world hunger and the general decay-- moral and otherwise-- of society.

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Yah, butt you hurt his fee-fees... ;-(

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You must be one a them 'political' demmycrats.. :)

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Ha Ha! Let the wingnut nightmare begin!

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Was that the Third Reichert giving the advice on how not to be murdered by the Brown Shirted thugs?

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That is my district. A bunch of demonstrators showed up at his local office today to talk about ACA & immigration and were told by a spokes-child (with gross, overly product-applied spikey hair) that he won his (gerrymandered) district by 20 points and Trump also had an impressive win (don't recall the exact, misrepresentative phrase he used) so, basically, fuck off.

An R lost this district by something like 3 votes in '08, in the Bamz wave, and even though the D was a beloved guy, he couldn't hold it in the mid-term.

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Shit, what do you even say, beyond "you're my fucking rep, listen to me." 2018 is still a ways from now. Good luck, damn.

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