That works too! And possibly is more compliant with the rules that do not govern nonexistent comments.

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it's Fresno area, kind of split

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Interesting possibility is that Russia hacked Republican emails and are using them to force Nunes, hatch, gowdy to follow their orders. Or maybe they all took Russian loans for houses, or Russian cash. All open them to blackmail.

Second possiblity is Russia shared Republican emails with Trump, and he's doing the blackmailing.

Spric, by the way, is probably a Russian troll. Shouldn't be on here.

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They won't rest until they get rid of a Democratic President to make up for Nixon.

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wow-bet you can't hardly wait for the new tax plan to make you rich.

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May as well have, 'cuz that's what it'll be worth when all is said and done.

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Toss-up, basically. It depends on who votes.

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Nunes should start looking for a new job now because he is not wanted back here in CA. He can just take his brainless head to Texas, where I'm sure Louie Gomert will give him a glowing letter of recommendation to work at a fertilizer plant. He can but all that bullshit he has collected to good use.

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You mean - with votes. Of course. Also.

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Start popping your popcorn now...


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Is test number one being able to lift Blake Farenthold?

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Particularly now that derivatives are open for trading (on margin). The more leverage, the more spectacularly it's gonna pull everything down when it blows up.

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If Tray G. was part of the non-working group, they wouldn't get any work done. While they sitting round the big conference table they'd all be too busy laughing at his haircut.

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Wasn't it Sunday night when he returned to the White House with a stupid white "USA" gimmie cap on? Either didn't have enough time to do his hair don't, or not enough hair spray north of Dallas, or both.

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