JC also said if you do not respect the poor and children you will not meet him in Heaven! Oops, Rightwingers!

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"Clash of the Titans".

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Donald Trump on gentlemanly behavior while pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.

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I really enjoy the Wonkette. They have a way with words. *wink*

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You're half right. Not only was she imprisoned to compel her to follow the judge's order, but also to punish her for not having done so already. Best of both worlds.

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I didn't think you needed a gun license in Kentucky?

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Yeah, but in those instances they were persecuted because they were Black, not because they were Christian. They still would have bombed and burned those places, even if they had been mosques or synagogues or shrines, as long as they were Black mosques or synagogues or shrines. The Blackness was the key quality, the Christianity was incidental.

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Yes, and it's also odd that he never converted to anything called Xtianity because he was crucified before there was such a thing.

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Why? It's not like he lacks for means of...cleaning up the place. Killer asteroids, Yellowstone supervolcanoes, dubstep. He's spoilt for choice.

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Deiomagnification is bitch.

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So in a nutshell: Minorities cry persecution when they're treated differently under the law than others. Christians cry persecution when they're treated the same under the law as others.

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And our favorite cow, Kimmy, has just filed yet another appeal with the very court system she claims has no authority over her in the first place.

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Great quote from Salman Rushdie on Real Time the other day (@3:00):

“...a classic trope of the religious bigot is while they are denying people their rights, they claim that their rights are being denied. While they are persecuting people they claim to be persecuted. While they're behaving colossally offensively they claim to be the offended party. It's an upside down world.”


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Rome in Italy was founded around AD 1380 by Aeneas. The Coliseum was primarily a stock exchange for exhibiting prize livestock. There is a similar coliseum at Arles, France, which is still used for bull fights, plays, and concerts. Lurid tales of Christians and lions come from "copies of ancient manuscripts," generated and backdated by Christian monks during the Middle Ages.

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That law firm isn't going to feed itself.

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Exactly; I thought Delaware was just this legal construct where corporations are born.

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