Obamacare is the greatest wealth transfer program since Soshecurity, in that it transfers wealth from decent, hard-working Americans to health insurance companies. You're welcome!

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George McGovern (remember him?):

<blockquote>What is the Southern Strategy? It is this. It says to the South: Let the poor stay poor, let your economy trail the nation, forget about decent homes and medical care for all your people, choose officials who will oppose every effort to benefit the many at the expense of the few—and in return, we will try to overlook the rights of the black man, appoint a few southerners to high office, and lift your spirits by attacking the ‘eastern establishment’ whose bank accounts we are filling with your labor and your industry.</blockquote> Merry Christmas nonetheless!

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In the spirit of believing twelve impossible things before breakfast, I'd like to wish you, personally, Mr. President, and I know you will read this, a very Merry Christmas! And Sasha and Malia, enjoy your holiday break! And Mrs. Obama (may I call you Michelle? I feel as if I know you), I hope you will consider Michelle/Hillary 2016, because it'll be fun to watch the wingnuts' heads explode! Love, Goodgawd_yall

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He's no John Ghandi Martin Luther Kennedy Lennon but I guess he'll do for now

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(Yes, Ted Cruz, we know.)

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merry christmas everyone. may your 2014 be filled with snark and wonkette and ham biscuits.

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Me too, and I did it from Tan Son Nhut AB, RVN.

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Billy and the Boingers or GTFO!

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You had me at <i>2009</i>.

Now, excuse me while I change my underthings.

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