baddog: do not challenge the power of the sharp kitteh.

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me personally i would let deval patrick do all sorts of investigative things.

but maybe that's just me.

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What about aliens? Doesn't anybody worry about crop-circle extraterroristrials anymore?

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The aliens have seen enough. They left in disgust, back in March.

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You're gonna need more rats. Fortunately, Bloomberrg has promised to make NYC's resources available.

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but Mama, if'n you ban me for being trite, where will you get your required daily dose of Shypixel?

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In particular other countries, perhaps, although not necessarily for the obvious reasons. If the attempt is to claim that "only in America", well, like almost <em>every</em> time that claim is made, it's flat out wrong. In particular, none of the countries where they have the luxury of time to spare to laugh at us would cause Alex Jones to become deaded. Elsewhere they're either too busy dodging death raining from the sky from our robots for mirth, or laughing in the middle of a "death to America" chant would itself be a life-threatening mistake.

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<blockquote>I think we’ve had about enough of the adorable “I was only wishing maiming and violence on them with votes,” don’t you?</blockquote>

Sigh, I guess I'll have to wish upon them the thing that will have them wishing for their own premature demises (which of course I do not wish for) - irrelevance so complete, they can find literally no one willing to listen to or, more importantly, publish them.

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I thought the reeducation camps were in Montana or somewhere?

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...wow, I am actually surprised it took this long for the Looney Tunes to show up!

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