I didn't mean for that to sound frustrated at you (frustrated generally, a bit; at you, no), so you have my apologies for the error in tone there. And I was making (or agreeing with) your point. $50k isn't poverty, but as I've said elsewhere, it doesn't necessarily go all that far either.

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I'll certainly agree that stones can be set - in a jewelry finding or in a line next to a sidewalk. I don't see how something could be "set in stone."

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"Much of the people don't live in much of the Midwest. I know that much."

-- Much Mucherson on his podcast "Much Ado About Not Much"

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So maybe we should be saying that "nothing is stone inset" instead?

But. Just to be argumentative: while there might be many good reasons not to, and few to, you could take a grinder and grind out a stone into the shape of a finding and then glue the jewel in the stone. Boom. Stone set in stone.

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Precisely. I'm still employed, and any check I get goes to fixing my fucking roof

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Mine is prolly gonna go towards a down payment on a car.

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Ta, Dok. We need the money. Now.

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[clicks ballpoint, scribbles a bit to make sure ink runs, looks up expectantly]

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But but but, Larry Summers says,.....Larry Summers? Not the same Larry Summers. Please, not Larry Summers. Judy Woodruff needs back up, but not Larry Summers, please.

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The PRC has returned to the imperial system that is thousands of years old. Xi is now the emperor. It's an old story.

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Srsly. Our house is way overdue for some repairs and we want to remodel at the same time. A couple of extra thousand would come in handy.

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kindergarten teacher making $60,000*Laughs in experience*

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My actual payment on the $600 was $334. I still haven't received the original $1300. I had pledged to give the $600 payment to the regional food bank; now I feel chintzy giving them the $334 that I actually received.

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Don't be. You can't give what you don't have. What you give will mean a lot to them

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So, then we might have two parties that actually give a damn.


And our system is set up for at least 2 political parties.

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A person in Seattle making $50K annually can barely afford shelter. I earn way more than that and I live in the burbs because the cost of housing within the city limits is beyond my means, unless I want to shoehorn myself and my household into a 300 square foot studio apartment. Just sayin'.

Congress needs to stop splitting hairs on this. The more restrictions on who gets money, the longer it's going to take to get the money into the hands of those who need it.

I don't need a check but if I get one I will put it to very good use, by supporting a local food bank.

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