Richard Rothstein's "The Color of Law" is excellent on this subject.

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Reb wannabe

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Man who supported insurrection against America accuses WOC of being "divisive."

What an asshole.

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"gravity only kicks in when you run off a cliff and look down, realizing you're standing in the air."


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Hawley is full of it. Dad was a color chemist and color engineer. Avon was ready to hire him … then they found out he was a Jew. Yes, they have improved. Josh has not.

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It doesn't help that so many elected Democrats are still willing to work with these people. And they talk about Republican electeds as if they're NOT monsters, no matter what kind of heinous shit Repubs do.

The other day I heard Jon Tester on NPR call Mitch McConnell "a decent guy" before offering the MILDEST criticism humanly imaginable, given the current circumstances. Tester and his kind will still be doing shit like that when President DeSantis makes it illegal to be black and my ass is sent to a fucking concentration camp. This country is doomed.

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Only white Democrats are willing to work with these people




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I too believe we should judge people by the content of their character. And by my judgment of Hawley his character is utterly content free.

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the hypocrisy is a feature not a bug if you're an R

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no, I think you're within the margins for accuracy there

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Knew it. Nailed it.

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I said much the same to my 40 yr old son, They have been waiting under the rocks to crawl out all along. Tom Paxton sang it in 1968 (A Thousand Years)

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Lovely anecdote, thank you! I agree about some books are better the old-fashioned way, and that sounds like one of them.

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Thank you! I did not know about that. :-)

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Tucker just sounds like he'll be that jerk vice president at the frat house that every woman on campus refers to as "oh, those creeps"

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