He was WRONG. It's been VERY useful for Obama and the lunatic liberals to organize every loser in America to vote themselves working people's money.

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"Venus" is a lot shorter and far more Vonnegutian than any Riverworld episode.

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Time is not kind to most of us and is particularly unkind to a few. I'd prefer to remember <i>Fahrenheit 451</i> rather than his teatardism, the same way I prefer to remember the accomplishments of, say, Ezra Pound, O.J. Simpson, and Ralph Nader, and not those unpleasantries of their later years.

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I'm friends with a great-nephew of Heinlein's. He's a commie pinko gay Marine who fucked most of gay NYC in the 80s and 90s whilst high on meth. Not really relevant, but I wanted to put that out there.

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