thank you for this. great MA history lesson.

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as an obamacare person, i ask myself this every single day.

my job would be a bazillion times easier if that fucking bill had been reconciled.

(though i love the idea that teddy got his way and his career goal and the republicans lost and they've lost 53 times since then...)

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Cellucci was ambassador to Canada, not any South American countries; Weld was nominated to be ambassador to Mexico - otherwise a nice snapshot of MA most recent political fiascos.

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I know, right? Must be the PMS making these women so bitchy all the time.

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<em>“Okay, this is going to be the last one, sweetheart.”</em>

Aw, c'mon. Clearly he was trying out his Humphrey Bogart impression!

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At least he didn't call her "sugartits"

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That graphic gonna be on a coffee mug in time for the War on Christmas?

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Wouldn't they have been running for the same seat in 2012?

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Fair enough.

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As a Massachusetts resident, I still shake my head to think that *any* Democrat could be such a strong not-campaigner that they could lose Teddy Fucking Kennedy's seat to a Republican in a statewide race ... most days around these parts, you can fit all of Massachusetts' Republicans into a nicely appointed tour bus.

I shall never underestimate Coakley's ability to not-campaingn herself out of an easy win again!

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Why does this make me think of a scene out of the movie <i>Yes Man</i>?

When Sacchetti exclaimed “Sweetheart?!” Baker quickly replied, “I’m kidding. Sweetcheeks. I mean, I was joking around. Don't be such a cunt. I MEAN, BITCH, JESUS, GET OFF MY BACK!" *shocked, he claps his hands over his mouth*

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