I remember when former KGB head Adropov was made Premier of the Soviet Union and everyone exclaimed what a horrible thing that was. Six years later former CIA head Bush ascended to the Presidency of the Untied States, and no one in DC batted an eye.

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He kept his army in the field against significant odds, led from the front and set an example of dedication to his troops. Calling him a modern Cincinnatus is about right. I admire him. Still a damn slaver.

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England just farmed it out to India, China, Sri Lanka etc. and let corporations take it over. Mark Twain talked about that hypocrisy.

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Thank St. Hubbins!!!

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I really liked this book, so informative!!

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Let's not forget that the native people George Washington encountered called him Town Burner, and told their kids that the monster Washington would come get them if they were naughty.

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haha, Erik Erikson tried to do a Putin only invades when there's a Democrat in office bit, which is true only if you got brain damage and forgot the invasion of Georgia under the Bush regime.

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Wonder how Oney Judge got to be a "light skinned mulatto?" She seemed to have a love for the freedom, so there's that. Was she also handy with an ax, did she end up with wooden teeth? Or did her mother unfortunately find herself alone when Jefferson swung by Mt. Vernon for a weekend? Am I committing CRT by even asking such questions?

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Erik, son of Erik, and goat aficionado, is brain damaged. It's sad, really.

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For throwing away the paper part, Drumpf has plenty of terlets available, for a price.

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I'm assuming they just couldn't find a stock photo of Jefferson Davis.

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I can come up with some positive things about Nixon's presidency (detente was a good move) but on balance it was pretty much a disaster. With Trump I can't even come up with any positives.

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Which country is not?

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"The other Republican presidents celebrated are George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Calvin Coolidge, and of course Abraham Lincoln." Let's roll the tape, shall we!

George W. Bush - Failure; turned a budget surplus into a deficit; invaded the wrong countryGeorge H. W. Bush - Mostly a failure but would not be a Republican todayRonald Reagan - I liked Reagan although I know that's not a common sentiment around here. Regardless, he'd not be a Republican todayDwight D. Eisenhower - No possible way he'd be a Republican todayCalvin Coolidge - I don't know enough about him but given what the article said, he'd not be a member of today's GOPAbraham Lincoln - A Republican in name only, and wouldn't be allowed within 100 miles of today's GOP

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Lincoln to Trump?Hell, Dubya to Trump in eight short years was a trip of light years in decline. Dumbya was truly awful, and when he shuffled quietly off to paint pictures of dogs I thought there could not conceivably be a worse president in my lifetime.Obviously I "misunderestimated" just how hard Republicans would search for someone even dumber and more inept, with the bonus of being a completely corrupt and morally unhinged simpleton with a lifetime record of being a shyster.

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Washington also had a fun habit of constantly moving the people he enslaved back and forth between Virginia/DC and Philadelphia, because he knew if they resided in Pennsylvania (a free state) for a certain amount of time they'd have the legal right to petition the court for their freedom. Also, his personal chef escaped and Washington never stopped bitching about it for the rest of his life. Guy made really good food, I guess.

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