Nah, that's not how civic holidays work. Nobody expects hospitals to shut down or buses to stop running. You mostly just push incentives or mandate limited time off or OT for workers.

I agree a voting holiday is insufficient as a total solution. It's one among many that should be implemented. Along with mail-in and other tools for increased access.

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I'm not seeing one. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Also, during TFG's admin, McConnell got Schumer to agree to fast track tranches of judicial nominees in exchange for giving senators more time in their home states to campaign. They would've been confirmed anyways, but the Dems offered no resistance to the process. https://www.vox.com/2018/8/...

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(I know- it's the other BLM)

(actually, I wonder if we could write BLM on the moon? It would certainly look better than "CHA")

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These folks want to wipe out Black history, along with Black people. This hatred is really incomprehensible.

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Let the wattle grow - maybe it will choke him.

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Only to the extent that conservative judges retire or croak. (A trend that's going to drift the wrong way for decades.)

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This is a form of big tech censorship! GOP themed PEZ dispensers don't ever get out of the design stage! I'll boycott PEZ until I can tilt Ted Crooze's head back and enjoy a slightly tart candy brick!

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Plenty to sweep up there!

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At least he got his Trump butt plug early on.

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I wish Democrats had hammered Republicans on their obstruction from the personal level. We should've known the names of every nominee McConnell blocked. It should've become a political liability for every Republican senator from the nominee's state. Maybe it wouldn't have mattered.

They did hammer Republicans on their obstruction and it didn't matter. Those of us who paid attention to such things screamed from the rooftops about it and people on our own side didn't give a shit. Let's not rewrite history by pretending people on the left cared about the judiciary before 2016. Most of them simply didn't.

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But that's still going to leave a lot of people in the lurch, unable to vote because they have to work. That was the problem we were trying to solve, and the voting holiday doesn't really solve it.

Mail-in ballots do, though.

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Watched most of the vote on Rodriguez yesterday. Of course the true assholes voted no. A few surprise yes votes: Lindsey, Marco.

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