Thank you! Things are (slowly) falling into place with my father's treatment. We are having a care conference on Thursday to figure out how he will be cared for on his hospital discharge. I think we are going to have to put him in long-term care eventually. The decline has been that severe.

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I love me some Italy. I envy you your dual citizenship.

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I see what you mean. I assume that like most micro-nations, the Holy See contracts with Italy for certain services.

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And Speaker of the House.

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I'll bet the American bishops will deny His Holiness communion for this outburst.

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I got to experience Italian health-care, when I got an eye infection, from a scratched cornea, while on tour, it was in Pisa and the eye specialist was excellent. I chose to pay the 20 Euros to jump the queue, because we were only in town for so many hours. I would recommend them, and I am a retired health-care worker (surgical assistant.)

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Damn, that sucks.

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A care conference sounds like a great tool.We lost Dad a few years ago, after an 11 month illness. He was able to be home, but it was only because of the giant, local family who were ready, willing and able to pitch in. There was a spreadsheet of who was coming when. However it works out, keep an eye on the caregivers, that they don't injure themselves giving care. If you are a caregiver, having some benchmarks in advance (can your dad dress himself? Feed himself? Wash himself etc) can help you know when it's time to go to a nursing facility. It's hard to see the forest for the trees when you're in it.Sorry if that's TMI. It was helpful information for us, so if it's at all useful I wanted to share it.I'll be thinking of you.

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They've done seriously bad things, like much of the rest of humanity, but I'm very glad they didn't "Holy Crusades" or "Galileo" this one.

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What now, fundamentalists? The Pope is weak, right?

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Well then Dok - FUCK YOU and ALL of the Catholics! In fact, FUCK ALL RELIGIONS because they're all BULLSHIT people manipulators and controllers taking people's money, imo.

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POINT OF ORDER I thought Vatican City was it's own country? Is that misplaced Catholic-upbringing factoid not correct? Or can I somehow buy into the public health care in Italy like the Pope?I haz confuse.Paging Dr Google...

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Maybe better to frame it as "pre-paid" in this country, as the GOPers just can't abide by anything that smacks of a handout. Of course no healthcare anywhere is free, but there are certainly better systems where there are no barriers to healthcare, and these are exclusively the single-payer (or single-payer adjacent) ones.

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I always love to hear about our responsibility to help the poor from the guy who literally sits on a throne made of gold.

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I direct your attention to big Pharma and Kaiser Permanente and it's ilk, and their "we are legion" army of lobbyist demons.

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Kaka pro nobis. Ramen.

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