Tonight's Menu SpecialsSovereign SuccotashWord Salad with Russian DressingFruit-Loops

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If you can't spot a DUI you should put in for a transfer to the Crossing Guards. A noble calling, to be sure, but the kids come to you, you don't have to hunt them down.

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Still has all his teeth. He's #493 for the Bristol Lottery, though.

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They way overcharged, thinking the defendants would roll over and cop to a plea. Lazy Lawyering 101. Works with most sane people who can do the math, with the SovCit nutcases who are 1000% sure of the rightness of the position, not so much.

"Know your enemy" Sun Tzu

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BYU = "Breed'em Dumb" in Academia back in the day, maybe they cleaned up a bit, and good for her, not like the Ivy League out there in the Back of Beyond

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Will Ted Cruz argue that the dildos be destroyed, or be placed in loving homes (max of 3/person)

"The Time Ted Cruz Defended a Ban on Dildos"His legal team argued there was no right “to stimulate one’s genitals.Great comment by his College roomie: "that would be a new concept for Ted"https://www.motherjones.com...

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And richAnd a vetShould I go on?

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She got her Phd at Oxford, I believe, and she did struggle at BYU at first. She did have a couple of professors going to bat for her abeit, helped her get into some programs. She is pretty honest about all of that. It was amusing to read about her fundamentalist Mormon background and others at BYU. All of the other Mormons she was really odd. Other Mormon's thought she was weird, let's let that sink in.

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I think you've covered the main points.

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Another detail I thought about mentioning before is that schizophrenics don't just have abnormal "sensory" perceptions. They also tend to respond to what they perceive in uncritical or random ways, b/c many are too far gone to do anything but obey whatever "voice" speaks to them. It's of some further interest that the religious "establishment" happily accepted visionary phenomena as supernatural in origin, but still drew the line that not all or even most were of "godly" origin.

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i confess to being thoroughly fascinating by these kooks.if you want to study them in detail i recommend fogbow.com as they analyze the legal cases, even sending poor souls out to witness/transcribe/comment on court proceedings.NOTANNCOULTERTHE PERSON[traveling, not driving, with not a fringy flag in sight!]

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yes.and yes.

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no, i think rand paul is actually in charge of that particular duty.[tee hee... i said 'duty']

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yes - cuz they know the law better than those so-called 'bar attorneys' and judges.then again... let this sink in for a moment:louis gohmert was a judge in TX.

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that' what got idiot sovcit terry trussel thrown in jail. tried to use his appointment to an actual jury to turn it into a 'common law grand jury' which has magical powers. he's probably going to die in jail. he should have noticed the fringe on the flag. seriously - look up when he tried to use then nonsense and got put in jail for non-appearance [when he was standing in front of a judge claiming he was the PERSON or some other such crap and refused to just say yes i am here]. it's really sad and really hilarious, but is used by other sovcitz to show the tyranny of the system, when actually it should clearly demonstrate just how stupid it/they is/are.

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http://www.themudflats.net/... This and several other posts by Jeanne Devon outline the trial of a SovCit who got himself into heaps of trouble, with co-defendants and everything. According to a post on Jeanne's FB today, Reinking's an incel, and that's why he was plowing into women.

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