Recipe time:Here’s a Pineapple Miracle While frozen Yule Log!https://youtu.be/bpFWmOqeXJY

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If he is even Presnit by then....HAHAHAHA!!!!

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During the Kavanaugh hearings we were told ad nauseum that confirmation hearings are a political proceeding, not a criminal one, and thus any cries for some sort of due process were the desperate lamentations of rape apologists.

And here we in the midst of another political process, and Nancy/wonketters/et al are claiming they’re justified in not sending the articles to the senate because the trial won’t be fair, because it won’t offer due process.

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I propose that, in order to sever any comparison to the manly Robert Mitchum, the Senate majority leader henceforth be called "Moscow Mainch" in an Al Pacino/Tony Montana voice. Can I get a second?

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Who is Deval Patrick and why does CNN say he is a Presidential candidate?

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A blast from the past for the (almost) end of year retrospective.

https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Plus many many MOAR!

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You must be new here.

Edit: You are. Enjoy your visit.

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Gov of MA, friend of Barack, corporate centrist, declared candidate

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Thank you.

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Apples and oranges. The House has to designate impeachment managers BEFORE they send over the articles of impeachment, and it would be stupid to choose the impeachment managers with no clear parameters set for the trial.

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I’m merely remarking on the indignant posturing by democrats (and others) about the fundamental importance of ensuring due process. This after many past lectures about how due process only applies to criminal trials.

Unsurprisingly my comment has elicited responses pointing out that it’s more nuanced than that. And guess what? I agree. As is everything.

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he'll be crowing about the new nafta. which every reasonable wall street analyst has declared even worse than the old one except for Mexico who come out as yooge winners

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Also: Could Robert Mitchum, looks-wise, be considered Evil Elvis? Discuss.

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Tonight, somewhere in California, Nancy Pelosi is spending time with her family, enjoying a glass of egg nog, and hanging McConnell's and Trump's balls on her Christmas tree.

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When an economist says something like this


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