Hey! That was different! Somehow.

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I wonder how many of these folks have ever heard of Shays' Rebellion.

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Thus your nym. The LES is still my neighborhood (and my mother & her family were two blocks from where I reside), but this part of it is called the east village now.

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I believe they are using the word “harden” because schools are considered “soft targets” in law enforcement lingo, and they want to make them the opposite of that, but saying “we must make schools hard targets” gives away the fact that even if we implement their idea, schools will still be “targets.”

The right wing does know how to relabel phrases to their advantage. Replacing “family reunification” with “chain migration” for instance. Spin mastery, right there.

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And Mark Blond couldn't even spell Judeo-Christian; he used Judea, which was a place once upon a biblical time.

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Yeah - even tho' I'm a "new" Floridian, I am looking forward to voting for that change to come along. I've seen various figures, but the one I believe is 20% of the African-American vote down here is impacted by the susyem of making the Governor the last word in restoring rights - and Governor Bat Boy has been slow-walking every application ( something a tenth of the number that Charlie Crist did while he was still a Republican ).

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Gun Humpers have "tiny" dicks, right? I mean an AR is only .223" in the bore.

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The Jews did fight back against the Nazis. Its called the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. It ended with everyone being hunted down and killed. Through it can be argued that the Jews in the Ghetto had no illusions of victory and decided it was better to die fighting than passively wait for death. As a aside, it always amuses me that these ammosexuals dipshits think they'll form a resistance movement and topple the government. Like a AR15 will defeat a Drone carrying missiles.

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They don't want to topple the government when Trumpy is in power. They want to "topple" "the elite" - i.e. anyone smarter than they are.

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Las Vegas dude. They didn’t even blink.

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none - they are so fucking ignorant of American History, that they think the flag the Washington united the State Militias under during the Whiskey Rebellion is the Flag the Rebellers carried.

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Exactly, the so called freedom lovers would happily accept a dictatorship if it was one that believed what they believed. The famous quote about Fascism being wrapped in the flag and the Bible is apt. They only hate a dicatorship of the left.

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And the French came out on the winning side, too.

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Like the Army of Northern Virginia.

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