This is not a subject that really draws the snark.

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Seems normal for a math and science teacher.

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I would not trust any national crazy-person list that didn't have Wayne LaPierre's name on it.

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straight up or on the rocks?

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people here wouldn't blink an eye if you walked out to your car with a stinger missile draped over your shoulder

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Probably turn out to be a brain tumor. Or, could be a brain tapeworm, that's the hot new thing.

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jesus christ i got nothing.

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me personally i am going to ensure i never snap and kill a whole bunch of people by never actually getting a job.

that should work.

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"One of the few brightly lit zones of moral clarity here: Wayne LaPierre sucks ass." Word.

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I teach too, and the teachers to worry about are the ones that think that they are right and everyone else is wrong. This guy is an extreme example. And yeah, don't ever give me a gun because there are times... usually when I've found out some little prick (excuse me, ray of sunshine) has been bullying someone. Ah well, as my best buddy, the head custodian, always likes to say "It's all for the kids, isn't it? They're just expressing themselves" At which point we roll our eyes.

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Was waiting for him to mention "precious bodily fluids."

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Would the neighbors have noticed anything wrong if this had been Arizona instead of Vermont?

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"welfare check"

Oh sure...vermont, natch. Fucking liberals.

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Best dirty jokes, also, too. Not to mention gossip.

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Hey gun loons: Just stop "protecting" us.


We mean it.

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