It's somewhat more like: you can know how many crimes this president has committed, or you can know the details of a crime that he's committed, but if you know one, you can't know the other.

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What? No, it's the Wildlife Wrestling Federation, and they do give out chairs, but only to dudes.

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I'm just hangin' out for the lemur wrestlin'.

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and take off your glasses while you're reading the Book

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They really seem to think that unless they announce they are guilty, in front of sober-sided Republicans, with witnesses, video, and signatures, that they cannot be convicted or indicted or in any way inconvenienced.

No no no! If they do it out in public, it means it can't possibly be illegal! Because if it were illegal, they'd try to hide it!

They believe their power to be absolute.

It's the "unitary executive" (aka "elected king") bullshit argument that they pulled with W.

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Oh yeah him. He had some bigly political ambitions for which he was hoping to ride to victory one day on Dump's coat tails.

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From I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus –

Fudd's First Law: If you push something hard enough, it will fall over.Teslacle's Deviant (Firesign's spelling, and a reference to Nicola Tesla): It goes in, it must come out.

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A number of them were convicted and/or disbarred:

John EhrlichmanJohn DeanCharles ColsonHerb KalmbachRichard G. Kleindienst (FBI director)Egil KroghG. Gordon LiddyJohn Mitchell (US Attorney GdeneralDonald Segretti

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Rachel Dratch and Rob Riggle, right?

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Is this an onion skit?

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I will pay good American money* to see Trump do a "fireside chat" of that call.

*(Is our money still good these days?)

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Eisenberg should decide to be John Dean right now. He's the only one who can save himself, Trump certainly won't. I think Eisenberg would save us too, and the other witnesses heading for the lifeboats on the Trumptanic will back him up.

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He is the guy who put the transcript of Trump's treason call in on the Bin Laden server for America's most classified information and Trump's most crimey foreign agent phone calls. Apparently he did it like six seconds after Trump hung up!But her e-mails!

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Just to watch the kangaroo do the leg drop off the top of the palm tree....

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There is some spin out there that says "maybe" Eisenberg put the copy of "Trump's treason call on the Bin Laden server" because he was trying to preserve it so no one could destroy it. Hmmmmm...

On another note a fireside chat might make a swell "Nicey Times" We can all get some tea and cocoa and say "did he just say that" and laugh and laugh.Bring on the Nicey Times Fireside Chat!This I want to see.

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