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I'm pretty sure Robert Mueller remembers all the hinky Ukrainian shit Manafort did because Mueller haz the bestest memory ever (despite what a certain prednisent claims) By the way, I'm a huge sportsball fan who is really into stats and your sabremetrics and such as. But can you criminal-stat freaks and you lawyerly types out there tell me if Manafort has been awarded the most indictments EVER? It sure seems so...and the year is young.

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4 gallons of pruno or a handy...

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Oh, Bobby three sticks Is. The. Shit.

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He'll just dose the prison...

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Fun fact: Warren Buffet just said that his company got an instant 29 billion ameros windfall from the tax cut - something about "unrealized gains" which (and I didn't know that was a thing) was previously taxed at 35%, but is now 21%

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Ya know, it's only $1250 to rent a 10 x 24' billboard in los banos, ca (big farmland). If someone put up something like "Nice job, comrades" it would piss off the trumpets to know end...

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I wonder who else benefited from the "unrealized gains" scam? Anyone?...Bueller?

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He gets to be queen for many, many days. I am quite sure Miss Lindsay will lend him a tiara, only lend it he will want it back.

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WaPo version of what you saw on Anderson Cooper. Also too: Pic of Mueller handshake with Rudy G just after 9/11 in article, check out Mueller's facial expression and the grip on that hand shake. Doesn't look like Mueller was a fan of Rudy's even then. And Rudy sure has been quiet lately.....


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Pretty much anyone who has ever invested has unrealized gains or losses. That simply means an investment has increased or decreased in value without being sold, thus being ‘unrealized.’ The profits exist entirely on paper.

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Technically, an "At Last The 1948 Show" reference.

But, of course, I've recently found out just how much of a pedantic asshole I could be, so I might as well go for it.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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What I'd like to do is twinned billboards, in classic "Got Milk?"-style plain text on a white background. One would read "Soviet Republicans?" and the other "Russian Limbaugh?", with a pair in every major metro area, a high traffic location in the GOP suburbs. I just have to win the lottery or maybe make friends with Tom Steyer.That $1250 is probably per month, right? If you had to choose one, "Soviet Republicans?" is the way to go, "Russian Limbaugh?" is an added burn. Come to think of it both phrases could probably fit comfortably on one billboard...

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What on earth are you talking about? Get over yourself!

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What sort of shit can Manafort hang on Turnip when he's squeezed?

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