Now that gross admitted child molester Josh Duggar has been outed as a gross hypocrite who molested his own sisters, we thought it might be useful to bring you a quick recap of some of the Duggar family's noteworthy warnings about the Evils Of Homosexuality, which is a threat to YOUR FAMILY.
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Back in December, Josh Duggar led the Family Research Council's effort to repeal a nondiscrimination ordinance in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and after the law was defeated, he explained to FRC leader Tony Perkins why not discriminating against LGBT people puts children in great danger, especially since the law might even allow a man dressed as a lady to use the wrong toilet:
Duggar: We have to make sure that we're standing up for the right to privacy, and protecting the well-being of women and children.
Perkins: Well, Amen. You know, I must confess that I just can't separate myself from my role as a husband and a father in this situation, and the idea that a male could self-identify as a woman and could indiscriminately and without restriction go into the women's bathrooms, where my wife and my two daughters could be, is absolutely, utterly, and forever unacceptable.
Josh's mom Michelle, who had some direct knowledge of how damaging a heterosexual boy could be, recorded a robocall that was used in the Fayetteville campaign, with dire warnings about how banning LGBT discrimination in housing, commerce, and employment would put “the safety of Northwest Arkansas women and children” at risk, and would probably encourage "child predators":
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The text reads a lot differently when you know that she was saying all this about the hypothetical threat of scary trans people, when her own son had actually molested his sisters:
Hello, this is Michelle Duggar. I’m calling to inform you of some shocking news that would affect the safety of Northwest Arkansas women and children. The Fayetteville City Council is voting on an ordinance this Tuesday night that would allow men -- yes I said men -- to use womens and girls restrooms, locker rooms, showers, sleeping areas and other areas that are designated for females only. I don’t believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls.
I doubt that Fayetteville parents would stand for a law that would endanger their daughters or allow them to be traumatized by a man joining them in their private space. We should never place the preference of an adult over the safety and innocence of a child.
Parents, who do you want undressing next to your daughter at the public swimming pool’s private changing area?
And parents, would you want to let your teenaged son get grabby with your daughters while they sleep, and then, instead of getting the kid into therapy, just send him away to stay with another family for a while? Please add your own cynical punchline about the "safety and innocence of a child" here.
And of course, beyond the direct "gays = pedos" bullshit, there's the Duggars' overall opposition to marriage equality, because for kids to grow up right, they need to be in a family with one mommy and one daddy. It would also be awfully nice if none of the kids are secretly diddling their siblings, too, but the main concern is that the parents be straight. Just a few weeks ago, Josh Duggar shared his thoughts on the sanctity of non-sodomite marriage at the March for Marriage, where he explained that only one other country, Brazil, allows same-sex marriage, which had to be news to the other 17 countries that allow it (and hey, Ireland's voting on it today):
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He also explained that if the Supreme Court decides in favor of marriage equality, then freedom was pretty much over:
I think that right now in America there is an agenda to silence people of faith, those who hold dissenting opinion. That’s not what America was founded on. America was founded on respect. Tolerance. And really not discriminating against people based on their religious convictions.
And that's why he respectfully insists that Christians need to be free to discriminate against gay people -- because of respect and tolerance. We guess the Duggars do know a think or two about tolerance -- after all, they tolerated their son's unspeakable behavior, and didn't even think it was something he needed to see a mental counselor for. Happily, a change of scenery and some prayer made him all better, so he could go forth and keep the world safe for straight families.
[ RightWingWatch / Salon / RightWingWatch again]
He'd only be sent to the criminal justice system if they didn't shoot him while taking him into custody. Do you have any idea how dangerous 11-year-old black boys can be?
I seriously doubt they employ babysitters at the Duggar home. Instead, the older siblings act as brother-fathers and sister-mothers while Jim Bob and Michelle hump, make new Duggars, and ham it up for the camera. And, what could ever go wrong with leaving the younger girls in the care of a teenager who has been deprived all his life of normal interaction with non-familial females?