He'd only be sent to the criminal justice system if they didn't shoot him while taking him into custody. Do you have any idea how dangerous 11-year-old black boys can be?

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I seriously doubt they employ babysitters at the Duggar home. Instead, the older siblings act as brother-fathers and sister-mothers while Jim Bob and Michelle hump, make new Duggars, and ham it up for the camera. And, what could ever go wrong with leaving the younger girls in the care of a teenager who has been deprived all his life of normal interaction with non-familial females?

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Kinda makes one wonder about what other f'ed up shit is going on in the Duggar home. Obviously Michelle and Dum-Bob can't supervise ALL the kids ALL the time. One thing is for sure. They will NEVER contact outside help the next time something bad happens, and that's probably a VERY bad thing.

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ahhhhahaha theres nothing better then watching some sanctimonious hatebags get their comeuppance! yeah thanks Duggars, we'll keep an eye out for all those pedos you're warning us about!

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Well, he was reported to have claimed that everyone who followed him was his brother, sister or mother... so if he was diddling anybody, yes! Probably where Josh got the idea.

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They seem soooooo concerned about the affect that being molested by their pedophile brother had on their daughters. They threw those girls under the bus to protect a child molester. Aren't Christians great? Watch them try to insist that their religious freedom is being threatened because the world doesn't care for child molesters. Incest either.

The rest of the underage girls in that fine Christian home need to be removed. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and the way he rushed to protect his piece of garbage son, I'd bet the farm Jim Bob enjoys the same hobbies.

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amazing how christians think religious freedom only applies to conservative christians. we must tolerate them, but they don't have to tolerate anyone else. josh speaks of tolerance for the christians, and in the same thought speaks to how the christians don't have to tolerate anyone else. can't have freedom with out tolerance, there josh.

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in the ass, with a telephone pole, sideways.

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Use in a sentence. "Jimmy Savile had a penchant for Duggary."

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'Don't let him touch you Down There. That's MY territory.'

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Da Rulez enjoin me from saying how I'd like to see him in relationship to a tree.

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It's worked so well in the past.

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Have at it : )

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I agree. Don't let them run and hide. Make them answer some real tough questions IF they want to keep the money river flowing. Make them let the daughters be given help.

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They demanded they forgive him. Rumor is that the oldest has been to!d daddy won't find her a husband until she forgives and becomes worthy of marriage. I read that entire police report. All 33 pages.

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