I like their angle, they're not suing over climate change directly, they're setting up a giant springboard. You knew you were going to eventually loose your shirts in lawsuits over climate change and lied about it. Next step is of course suing their pants off over it.

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Perhaps generally, but not always, particularly in the US. Oddly enough, the various communities of ultra-Orthodox Jews in our area are also definitely canine-unfriendly.

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I used to be a election inspector (aka poll worker) for many years and I was always glad to see parents bring their young children in with them. It was particularly fun when we had the old style mechanical lever machines because the older kids could pull the lever to close the curtain and then pull it back when mommy or daddy was done and make the bell ring.

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More or less OT, but this video featuring a percussionist performing West Side Story is amazing.


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Spanish is weird. Verga is a feminine noun.

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My other go-to example of a tritone is the opening of the Simpsons theme song.

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Gracias, Michael.

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Clinton White House people removed the W's from their computers back in 2001, so both sides do it but the Democrats are worse.

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As James Baskin often says, 'Fuck you Wayne LaPierre, you sniveling disingenuous little shit.'

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Speaking of which, I saw nothing in the story that says this guy is a Muslim.Yes, his name is Mohamed, and he was speaking Arabic.But it's still possible he's not a Muslim.

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The Scone of Stone?

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While, I upvoted this, I dispute that the Democrats need to take back the media. The media should never be a tool of any political party. Period.The media should be run by honest people, whatever their political persuasion.There are plenty of Dems in the media who are dishonest.

Not blowing my own horn as a lifelong (progressive) independent, we need more people who are not registered in any party in the media.

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I'm a liberal independent from NY state, and I get very annoyed when it is often implied by the NOT liberal media that most independents lean right.Perhaps some do - especially former Repubs who dislike Trump.But I believe more of us are left-leaning people who see the Democratic Party as centre-right at best.

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The use of the term "No party preference" is very deceptive. I am a progressive independent, and I certainly do have a preference for the Dems as the lesser of two evils, and mostly vote for Dems. But you couldn't pay me to join them.

WHY can't they just call us what we are? INDEPENDENTS!

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Because there is already a party by that name. And it's far Right. Do NOT register as an Independent. You would basically be registering under George Wallace's party.

THAT is why we in California use "no party preference," because there are many parties, and we'll be damned if we join any club that would have us as members.

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Ah, I did not know there was an "Independent" party in CA. But I think there may have been an "Independence" party in NY state at one time, so I get your point.

I honestly don't know what it said on the sheet when I first registered to vote, but that was back in 1976 (yes, I'm an old)!

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