Does this involve using Barty's corpse basically as a waterwheel, powered by all the people pissing on it?

Because I'd like to think I can help.

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I think they definitely owe an apology to the American People.

They didn't even bother to flag those with misspellings. How many thousands more "Patroit" groups and "Tea Parteys" slipped through the cracks?

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maybe. imma thinking all their conspiracy theories coming true in their little minds means they're going be fucking insufferable for the next little while.

i mean more insufferable than now if that's possible.

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fortunately, it all worked out in the end and baggers got their NPO status and have used the intervening years to spread their beneficent influence on american public life.

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"501c4 organizations are called 'social welfare organizations.' "

So Crossroads GPS is, what, a settlement house? And Karl Rove is a...(shudder)...a...community organizer?

Well, we all know what kind of sub-humans _those_ people are. So when you look at it that way, then hellyeahtheyhaditcoming. If the targeted organizations had been named after tree seeds, the RW would right now be pushing to have images of those two IRS agents carved into Mount Rushmore.

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