It's Election Day! Have you sent in your fraudulent mail-in ballot yet? Did you already stand in line to get your early voting on? Are you procrastinating until the very last second to swing by and cast your vote on your way home from work? Do you even know when your polling placeis?
It's okay if you don't. We're here to help. Just go to the Google (it's on the interwebs) and ask it: how do I find my polling place? And it will tell you!
Now, in case you need a little more inspiration to get your vote on, here is Joan Jett, whorocks, telling you to get your vote on. So go do that! And tell us all about it in the comments. Did you vote? Show us your "I voted" sticker. Tell us about your long lines, your sketchy voting machines, any sightings of those super intimidating New Black Panthers holding doors open for old ladies.
And in case you missed it, here's your complete guide to frauding the vote.Â
We will also be liveblogging all the most exciting races for your liveblog-reading pleasure. The first polls close at 6 PM Eastern, so be here because we will be here, and you have to keep us company as we wait all night long for the results and make jokes about them.
going tonight after work and then home to wonder <strike>when</strike> how much King Kasich will charge for whats left of the state.
If Junior is lucky, he&#039;ll get the Teriyaki meat stick in his stocking this year. (He wasn&#039;t too pleased with last year&#039;s pickled egg.)