going tonight after work and then home to wonder <strike>when</strike> how much King Kasich will charge for whats left of the state.

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If Junior is lucky, he'll get the Teriyaki meat stick in his stocking this year. (He wasn't too pleased with last year's pickled egg.)

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Should we use the spelling 'poleing place', seeing that many voters will get the shaft?

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Mine is an old 19th century catholic church. As long as I do not touch the holy water, it's ok.

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It wasn't. But the most hotly contended race is for Attorney General (which shouldn't be this close as the Republican is absolutely unqualified), the Governor basically ran unopposed, and with no top-tier candidates the best we can hope for is holding on to the AG and Secretary of State offices and not get wiped out everywhere else.

On the local level, it's the School Board race that will be big. If I could, the stories of how impotent, incompetent, corrupt and venal those twits have been would fill a short novella.

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Early-voted last Thursday here in ocean-rising Florduh.

They swiped my license in a card reader. I hate that.

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Now, for the rest of the story: why they got rid of all the lever voting machines.

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"I burst into flames as soon as I came across the threshold"


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I checked the website and it says that they got my totally unnecessary ballot on Oct 28. I was hoping it would tell me how many droplets I added to the flow tears of Republicans here in the state of California, but it doesn't do that. THANKS <strike>OBAMA</strike> JERRY BROWN

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Per <a href="http:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2014\/11\/04\/politics\/voting-irregularities\/index.html\?hpt=hp_t2" target="_blank">CNN</a>: "And in North Carolina, conservative activist James O'Keefe released a new video Monday showing how he obtained ballots at polling stations by pretending to be inactive voters. The point of the video was to show the need for voter ID laws, which are scheduled to start in North Carolina in 2016."

Be still my fluttering heart!

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I didn't get orange juice and a cookie! I was told that I would get orange juice and a cookie!

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Yea. But still we have to vote for the asshole, since the alternative is so unspeakably awful.

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And then the 2016 presidential race starts!

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I'll be voting as James O'Keefe in as many polling places as I can get to today.

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Fox news will be there shortly, surely another sign of Sharia. Unless she was an orthodox lady, in which case, never mind.

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But Mr. Koch said if I cashed his check, that'd be automatic voting, and going to the polls after that would be a fraudulent second vote. Wouldn't wanna do that!

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