I think the IgNobel prizes are only for science. They need to expand.

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Like ketchup.

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Get a haircut, Obot.

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Is there a follow-up yet? The article you linked doesn't provide specifics (and after the unnamed employer is charged, I presume we'll get to find out who they are)...

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Beats the NYC system. My polling place was conveniently located a few doors down from my own, but the residents of that very building had to vote elsewhere.

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When you consider the cause of the very long lines, you should expect that they're precincts that have been gerrymandered into very safe Democratic districts. For example, the Democrat in Columbus (the new OH-03) won by over 40%; the Republicans didn't even bother contesting the new FL-24, DWS won with a margin of almost 30%; the Dems in both FL-20 and FL-21 won by margins in excess of 50%.

It's not the people that wait on massive lines that we have to worry about. It's the suburbanites who aren't the targets of the GOP's hate campaign, and consequently don't see themselves as directly threatened by the goober agenda, even though a sinking tide lowers all boats.

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The reason for drawing lines that gather as many Dems as possible into a single Rorschach-blot of a district is so that several adjoining districts can be converted to majority GOP.

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Someone should ask Bernie Madoff is he was just testing the system.

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I'm painfully aware of how it works, and why it's illegal in Britain and should be here, but also of why most states allow it (the incumbent protection racket cuts both ways). Point is, the districts where the long lines are mostly found are safe districts, so turnout isn't particularly important, especially as FL in particular does not have a Senate election at the midterms (the Virginian DC 'burbs might be important, although in '08 Warner racked up 65% against a highly credible opponent, so I'd be surprised if his race turns into a nailbiter).

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Something inappropriate happened somewhere. Impeach!

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Bullshit Mountain will label them as (D)'s, and find the esoteric connections that prove they're secret agents, never fear.

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It's a food <i>and</i> an implement of torture!

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Thank you for proving that standing laws are adequate for detecting the very few instances of in-person voter fraud, you braindead fucking morons. Enjoy your time in prison as the system proves that not only does it work, it provides serious punishment as a deterrent to any future morons with similar ideas.

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Haven't those communities consistently suffered extremely long lines as Republicans have made sure those precincts lack the resources needed to get everyone in and out efficiently, knowing that the key for any Democratic candidate in Florida or Ohio is to run up big margins in urban areas?

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It must be that Obama's a <a href="http:\/\/lightworker.com\/articles\/WeBelieve.php" target="_blank">Lightworker</a> and simply magicked those votes away.

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The Five Stages of GOP Grief:

1) Denial 2) Denial 3) Denial 4) Denial 5) Stroke

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