Better yet, wait to declare victory until you have a successor group causing trouble.

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If anything they really, really want ISIL to attack America, a lá Dick Cheney doing nothing about OBL.

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If the Republican party wishes to continue to exist, then more Republicans need to start fighting for it and push back against #45. He is NOT one of them. Bannon is NOT one of them. They are trying to destroy it all, including the Republican party. If for no other reason than self-preservation and self-interest, stand up, be counted and save your party.

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Link no workee-I see on ThinkProgress that Heir Fubar, upon inauguration, filed his candidacy for 2020.That's normal, right?

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Nope; books, lernin, history, future generations, it's all negotiable. For every one you choose to keep ya gotta kill two.

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And also prevents a not of NGO's from going after him because the law prevents them from engaging in political activity against a "candidate".

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Yeah, I've been sparring with a few wonkers who think people like this are potential allies in fighting Trump. I have virtually no faith in any of them. Collins, like McCain, gets a lot of positive press for being reasonable and moderate...until you actually look at how they vote and what they believe, and they're as right wing as the worst of them. Just because somebody pets a dog once doesn't mean shit. Himmler loved animals.

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Watch the Shitgibbon try to fire her in 10... 9... 8...

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My problem is I heard the same arguments during the Bush administration. That didn't work out so fucking well.

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I've been having the same thoughts. Not just this article, which I actually find to be good information to have, but lots of articles saying, haha silly liebruls demonstrating you so dumb. There's a serious mansplaining element to this, as though they think we're all just demonstrating and knitting and then going home and high-fiving our cats. Yes, we get it. They're throwing tons of shit at us and some of it is obfuscation and some of it is real, and they are all sorts of layers that we don't understand. But we're just doing what we do, and there's an awful lot of us.

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I'm not sure that's strictly true. What 501c3s and NGOs can't do (and actually some NGOs can, depends on their charter) is lobby on specific legislation, or in favor of one candidate over another, or engage in strictly partisan activity. But partisan activity is not the same as political activity, and policy is fair game. (I do this for a living. Would have to check sources on NGOs because they're a slightly different animal, but restrictions based on the candidate status of any given politician would surprise me, as it would pretty much restrict all of Congress)

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Fuck these assholes. How many times do they have to sell us out and piss in our eyes before people realize they can't be trusted to do anything but line their own pockets?

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Why is Joe Lieberman still around? What is his function in the political scene now that he has left the Senate before he got thrown out?

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It is if you want to raise a ton of untraceable money; Politico mentioned $11M so far...Oops...mentioned down thread...

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Oh , looks like I forgot to block a trump humping low information voter. Let's take care of that now.

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