The cuteness in this post just undid years of frustration, anxiety, disgust and despair caused by the machinations of weapons-grade-stupid Republicans. THANK YOU. I AM CURED!

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I'm assuming she'll be wearing a slightly larger version of those rainbow togs when she is appointed Chief Justice Notorius DRT!

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Even better than KITTEH PICS! Thank you for sharing : )

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Destabilizing levels of cute!

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Very sweet and adorbs! Makes me almost wish I could do it again!

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who boiled a monkey?

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Bright pink? Shocking!

Who ever heard of men wearing pink?


Pink used to be a boy's color!

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It's his only flaw. He's otherwise adorable. Best wishes to your whole family.

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Count your blessings, one friend reports that the most common response to her son was "He's so... alert."

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Adorable. Thank you.

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That's the craziest thing. Kitler got that a lot, because of the short hair. She was bald for a few weeks around 6 months, but hair or no, dress or no, people would assume boy because of the short hair. Like, nearly ALL babies have short hair, dumbasses. Unless you put them in a babby wig (they exist, really, for pageants I guess and they're freaky weird).

My theory is that babbies look androgynous up to a certain point, and people assume that it would be more upsetting to a parent for a boy to be mistaken for a girl than vice versa. Because it's acceptable for girls to do boy things/wear boy clothes, but the opposite isn't true because boys might catch teh gay (or something, this theory sounds better in my head).

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OMG did we see the same baby? There was this baby at the national zoo last year that fit that very description. I assume there can be only one.

Totally understand the body issue, too. I'm short, have very broad shoulders and muscular legs, and even my big boobs don't help me feel feminine enough. So many comments about how strong I am. I have to buy my winter coats 2 sizes too big in the waist so they fit. Being pregnant helped me mentally, I do feel more feminine now that I shoved a baby out of my body. Still, the shoulders, though.

Kitler looks so very girl to me (at nearly 18 months it's very obvious to even the dumbest bystander, but even when she was tiny), and the South is still so gender role conscious, especially for boys/men, that I assume any boy comments were issues on the part of the commenter. Case in point: brother-in-law's 2 year old nephew asked for a play kitchen and a bathrobe for Christmas. I was like, that kid is a baller who has his priorities straight (and who has been letting a 2 year old watch Parks&Rec, because that is also probably Tom Haverford's Christmas list). My dad was like "oh, you have to get him some trucks and fix that now before *makes swishing motions with hand*. Not an uncommon sentiment at all. Girls can play soccer and build robots, but GOD FORBID a little boy wants to pretend to make scrambled eggs. Oh, and old people don't understand girl babies wearing jeans. Like, does not compute. So, I tried not to take it personally and just assumed people were stupid (a safe assumption).

Tl;dr totally understand the body issues, but try to take comfort in the fact that everything boils down to the fact that most people are stupid as fuck.

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OOOOhhhhh. So sweet.

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You can see clearly that you do not like Donna Rose and are only using her as an excuse so You do

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