No, what would have been nice is for these asshats to have funded security for diplomats in all the parts of the world they FUBARed.

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Rep. Elijah Cummings mentioned there were several former prosecutors on the committee including Trey Gowdy.

No wonder our justice system is such a farce.

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Book-learnin'. How does it work?

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Sumthin' in tha blood?

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Didn't Sidney Blumenthal write Naked Came the Stranger?

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Southern folks such as himself are not taught to Talk Good by their parents, and they wear their stupidity as a badge of pride.

Having lived in Lower Alabama (North Florida) most of my adult life, I can attest to the fact that truer words were never written.

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He's like Benji, but not worth a novel.

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They don't know how babies are made, or what quantifies "life," we all have Ebola also too, can be selective on vaccinations, prop up a fundy brain surgeon as a Presidential candidate, so of course she's possessed by witchcraft and about to die after speaking for 11 hours to the nation's biggest takers.

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He's too busy waiting for the Ohio returns.

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They's be dummer thin screen doors on a submarine, Ah tell you whut.

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Dohn needs no fancy talkin' jes common sense he learned from bein' real sharp on observin' stuff.

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Oh em gee yes. Independent of what I might think of her as a candidate or person or fashion icon who somehow manages to balance career and family while still keeping her figure, I would LOVE it if her poll numbers shot up directly as a result of her guest appearance on As The Benghazi Turns. Sorry, Bern - you're gonna have to take one for the team on this.

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I just had to revisit this post because the first thing I heard when I turned on my radio this morning was this: "Congratulations, Trey Gowdy. You just got Hillary Clinton elected as the next president of the United States."Now, that's the way to start a Friday morning! :)

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Southern fried cracker.

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