sorry, can't stand the clintons. Still, she deserves to enjoy every moment of schadenfreude given how the media treated her candidacy

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Too soon?

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Okay, I get that she has to be diplomatic on camera, but I’m sure she was positively gleeful once the cameras were turned off.

I know I am.

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Probably pretty lit when they went to commercial.

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No satisfaction? What a dick head. How disingenuous. She is not satisfied that a wanna be dictator, sexual predator, liar, bigot is indicted? I guess she has more pressing ideas: Keeping progressives Like bernie sanders off the ballot. Let me repeat, what a dick.

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As much as I may sympathize with the sentiment, I am less than impressed with the language used to express it. Especially at a mommy blog heavily larded with acolytes who've replaced the Camelot of Jack and Jackie, with the Triang-a-Lot of Bill and Hill, with corresponding levels of hagiographic adoration.

One is reminded of a previous power couple who, after twelve years of corrupt and incompetent GOP rule, took on the DP establishment in a time of deep crisis, and won the White House against all odds; then going on to reinvent a new, modern DP (with the exception of white, Southern conservatives) in their own image. History remembers them as Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, and their reign as The New Deal. Sixty years later, following twelve years of corrupt and incompetent GOP rule, in a time of...well, inconvenience, another Democratic power couple would replicate what the Roosevelts did, only in reverse.

Where FDR defended the poor and working class, while reveling in the hatred heaped on him by the malefactors of great wealth, the Clintons demagogued the poor, denigrated labor, and wallowed in the fountains of money showered upon them by the pirates of Wall Street.* Where the New Deal regulated Big Business and redistributed wealth downwards, the neo-liberal economics of the Clintons deregulated Big Business, and redistributed wealth upwards. Where FDR was a bold innovator, unafraid to try new ideas (Keynesian economics), and equally unafraid to admit to failure, only to try something else, the Clintons merely doubled down on their neo-liberal mistakes: deregulation, the crime bill, the welfare bill, the wars on terrorism and drugs, and most disastrously, the repeal of Glass-Steagall. And where FDR (gently) shoved New Deal programs down the Dixiecrat's throats, including some civil rights legislation, the Clintons pandered to the conservatism of the few Southern conservative Democrats who didn't become Republicans. Which should explain why Truman won two terms of his own after FDR, and Gore couldn't win one.

In fact, in their eight years the Clintons not only repudiated the legacy of the New Deal, but inflicted material harm on whole generations of Americans whose lives were greatly improved by New Deal programs and legislation--by repealing as much of it as they could. More, in fact, than the GOP was able to in the nearly eighty years since FDR's death, before and after the Clintons.

This is why, now, large constituencies that should be represented by the DP (the working class, the poor, youth, progressives, environmentalists, etc.) only vote for Democrats because of their fear of Republicans, knowing that doing so doesn't solve any problems, and usually makes them worse...only a little more slowly. And why it is so hazardous to even mention such matters at all.

*https://www.lawcha.org/2016/11/23/bill-clinton-remade-democratic-party-abandoning-unions-working-class-whites/ What Bill and Hill perfected in the WH, they first field tested in the governor's mansion.

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Lotta talk for a lot of garbage there. I'm sure somehow that was all Hillary's fault. I'm sure. Meanwhile Slanders, I means Sanders, didn't have a heavy hand on his wife bankrupting a college by leveraging his name. Also the black community wanted the crime bill. Sorry folks weren't precogs.

Edit, also excuse me while I don't weep for white supremacist working class people who couldn't see the systemic threat Trump posed while whining about whatever excuses a la Hillbilly Elegy

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Aug 16, 2023
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Didn't say they were, but a clear majority of them did support the bill

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Fuck off.

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Haven't used that one in a while.

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Nice word salad, Bernout Broflake. Completely emblematic of your little band of misogynists.

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What should she have said? "Yes, Rachel! I'm over the moon! Hee hee hee! Calooh callay! I told you I was right all among!"

OF COURSE she's glad PAB has been indicted. For PAB, Hillary taking the high road is the unkindest cut.

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Oh fuck off.

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Both Hillary and Bernie are done as far as presidential aspirations go. Don’t you think it’s time to let that resentment go?

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Jeebus ... I've said it many times before and I'll say it again.

If the Democrats aren't pursuing policies you like, gather similar-minded people together and march right to your local chapter and start joining in the process. Bernie had lots of ideas and made lots of speeches, but, when push came to shove, he didn't have people willing to get off their ass and actually show up at Democratic Party meetings and show up to actually vote.

How do you think the evangelicals and racists took over the GOP? They didn't just sit around commenting on Internet sites. They showed up. They voted in every single election.

Sure, I like some of what Bernie had to say and felt Hillary was too conservative. But I didn't see anyone locally that was super-excited about Bernie except a couple of friends who whined and didn't get involved in anything.

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Hi, Glenn Greenwald's House of Shit Takes is that way ---->

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Edith for the WIN!

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You are in the wrong fucking place.

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You're ridiculous.

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Sanders is not very effective as a progressive. Just whining does not do that much good, just keeps his followers riled up. Very similar to tfg's speeches. I prefer HRC's actual accomplishments.

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Oh if we are going there, Sanders is completely ineffectual. As a curmudgeonly anti socialite, I understand how little you will travel in most industries without strong networking skills. Yelling at everyone for decades that you are better than them won't help when you then need them for something like supporting a presidential run. Oh, and this is before we get on Sierra Blanca and his opinion that most drug dealers are black.

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She probably isn't satisfied until he's convicted. Even then what was done was done. Ps she didn't keep Bernie off the ballot; she won, fair and square. Any way you slice it, she crushed Bernie. More to the point, she carried ALL top 9 most populous states. She lost the 10th. More over she won 19 of the top 25 most populous states.

But hey, I guess at least her cult, erm fans, didn't harass a family with death threats like Bernie's did to Roberta Lange.

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I'm not sure where to start with this comment. I can imagine it's not satisfying to a lifelong public servant to watch a former President indicted (for a 4th time) as it is the ultimate in dereliction of duty for the highest office in our country. It IS sad. She WAS right to call out everything that could possibly happen, and did, during his presidency. Why gloat about it when the indictments speak for themselves? This is all very sad for our democracy because holy hell, we're in for quite a ride from now up until (and probably past) next year's election. Let's hope our country's Constitution can survive it.

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I watched that interview live, with tears in my eyes and a deep pain in my heart over what could have/should have been. She was right about everything, and I stand on my contention that she's just too smart and competent for this country to deserve.

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This country hates women.

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This country is DEEPLY stupid.

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"Clinton expressed hope that once the “shadow of Trump” is gone, “it’s hard to know, once he’s off the scene […] whether or not backbone will all of a sudden be regrown, whether or not conscience will once again be part of the Republican Party ethos."

"Regrown" and "once again" are interesting word choices here. I decided to leave the USA for Canada in early 2015 (students of history will recognize that Trump was not yet preznit) because I thought that, the way the Republican Party was trending, our politics was only going to to get worse.

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Homeschoolio The Clown

oh Evan! now my monitor needs a wipe down.

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first thing I said to my husband was that the email lady looks like a million bucks what with the weight of the world off her shoulders.

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It almost makes me want to take up knitting if that's the end result.

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knitting is fun. you'll enjoy it. :D

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My first thought as well. She's living her best life. She was SofS so she knows stress, but 8 years as a BS target really ground into Obama and she was going to receive the same. Our loss.

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“Jenna Ellis, the one who always had to sit inside Rudy Giuliani’s farts…”

I might consider letting Ellis off for time served…

Nah, fuck it!

“Better plead out and flip on your old buds, Homeschoolio The Clown!”

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We could have had taco trucks on every corner.

Now we just have to make due with indictments in three states and DC.

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Go ahead motherfucker, start teasing Fani Willis, I dare you!! Motherfucker!

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Fani Willis is the serious BADASS we need!!!!

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X ten! ;>)

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Indicmentpalooza and I'm here for it.

I used up all my sads when this was actually happening, and he looked like he'd get away with it, (still might).

Now, I'm just filled with schadenfreude.

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I read the Georgia indictment of Trump and his merry band of misfits and Kraken lawyers.

It has more moving parts than a 12 cylinder engine, but it holds together pretty well.

Some of those indicted will go for plea deals, and in return will provide details to flesh out the story.

I think the case will.move very slowly. I hope the Fulton County's DA's office has some continuity of leadership and purpose. It's not like the State of Georgia is unified in seeking accountability.

Anyway, cleanup on aisle 10. A strange blob of orange goo and hair.

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I read something this morning that made me laugh. In GA to get bail you have to prove that you aren't a danger or threat to witnesses and fairness, instead of the other way of the prosecutor proving that you are. Made me laugh. Of course he'll get bail but they will perjure themselves lying about him to keep him out.

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Well, always remember that 900 killed themselves for Jim Jones and there's likely hundreds that still think John Wayne Gacy got a raw deal.

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Mme Secretary looks RADIANT.

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Was she wearing a necklace with her Grandkid's names?

Nice to see her smile, and hear her laugh!

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She really seems to be living her best life and good on her.

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We've been making fun on Mike Lindell in my thread below but it does beg a serious question - why no indictment of the guy who's screamed "ELECTION FRAUD!" louder than just about anyone else?

Why no indictment of the guy who met with PAB at the White House during all this and was seen carrying notes that said "Martial Law"?

Makes me go, "Hmmmmm".

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My guess is he falls under the legal category of "too ridiculous to take seriously."

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Most of what Lindell does comes under the heading of lies, conspiracy theories and defamation.

That would be the impetus for lawsuits rather than criminal indictments.

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30 unindicted co-conspirators - maybe he's one of those. Bannon certainly is.

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Excellent point!

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He's busy getting ready for his "event" on 8/16-17 (now that he's been freed from making pillows...).


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What Lindell did was not illegal, he just publicly spouted bullshit. It was the specific acts of trying to pressure election officials into fucking with results that got Trump in trouble.

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Damn. Actions do speak louder than words. And I thought my sainted Irish grandmother was bullshitting me.

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