Hillary Clinton All Oh Hey Rachel, Cool Night For An Interview. Any News?
So that happened.
Oh nothing, Hillary Clinton here, just came into the city from Chappaqua for a night on the town, thought I might catch something on Broad- OH HEY RACHEL! What’s shakin’? We should do an interview like old timesies!
Do you give any fucks what happened in the interview or do you just want screengrabs?
“Fancy meeting you here,” Maddow literally said at the beginning of the interview, as Fulton County, Georgia, DA Fani Willis was about to return the most epic goddamn set of indictments against Donald Trump and everybody he has ever met, including that fascist Christian homophobic gutter piece of shit Jenna Ellis, the one who always had to sit inside Rudy Giuliani’s farts. Better plead out and flip on your old buds, Homeschoolio The Clown! Lotta buncha farts in prison!
We will have much more to say about all that today.
“Yet another set of indictments!” said Clinton, obviously very surprised that somebody as squeaky clean as Trump keeps getting indicted like this.
So that was fun.
It was a whole interview, and they did talk about other things. But it was a lot about Trump.
Does Hillary Clinton feel “satisfaction”? She after all did warn America, as Maddow pointed out.
“I don’t feel any satisfaction, I feel great, you know, just great.” END OF QUOTE
Just kidding.
“I don’t feel any satisfaction, I feel great, you know, just great profound sadness that we have a former president that has been indicted for so many charges that went right to the heart of whether or not our democracy would survive.” That was the full quote.
“He set out to defraud the United States of America and the citizens of our nation.”
“He used tactics of harassment, intimidation. He made threats, he and his allies went after state officials, local officials responsible for conducting elections. Now we know they even went into voting machines in order to, you know, determine whether those voting machines had somehow been breached when they were the ones doing the breaching.” This was before we had the indictments to read.
“I don’t know that anybody should be satisfied. This is a terrible moment for our country to have a former president accused of these terribly important crimes. The only satisfaction may be that the system is working. That all of the efforts by Donald Trump and his enablers to silence the truth, to try to undermine democracy, have been brought into the light, and justice is being pursued.”
So that was an action-packed three-minute news clip.
Below is a much longer clip. We won’t transcribe it all, you have to watch it. In this one, Maddow and Clinton talk about the real ramifications of the idea of a former president possibly going to prison, and how it’s time for Republicans to try to move away from the Trump “cult” and just abandon that criminal loser.
Clinton expressed hope that there would be “accountability for a political party that has just thrown in with all of the lies and the divisiveness and the lack of any conscience about what was being done to the country.”
Nice sentiments, but the MAGA fascist party is too far gone. This story doesn’t end with those seditionist shitheads suddenly waking up.
In that clip, Clinton also made fun of Ron DeSantis, after Maddow noted that DeSantis has proposed that that there shouldn’t even be an independent Department of Justice. “He’s promising anything to try to get some attention, it’s kind of pathetic, isn’t it?” But that did lead to an interesting conversation about Republicans’ moves around the country to rig the criminal justice system so it serves and protects their [anti-democratic white nationalist] interests.
Clinton expressed hope that once the “shadow of Trump” is gone, “it’s hard to know, once he’s off the scene […] whether or not backbone will all of a sudden be regrown, whether or not conscience will once again be part of the Republican Party ethos.
“We don’t know. We hope, because it would be for the good of the country if that were to happen.”
Again, nice sentiments, but ain’t gonna happen. They’re aren’t enough of them left who have actual human souls.
Here is a clip that starts with Maddow referencing Trump’s recent babble that he’d rather live in France than America. “That could be arranged,” said Clinton. Maddow said France might not take him. Maybe Belarus?
The full clip was about how Trump found time in his busy schedule to root against the American women’s soccer team. “This goes right to who they are and what they believe.” She emphasized that “It’s so anti-American in every way” and said it several times, because she was right, so why not keeping saying it.
At the end of the interview Hillary Clinton led a “LOCK HER UP!” chant against herself because she was drunk probably LOL JUST KIDDING THAT DID NOT HAPPEN BUT IT WOULD BE PRETTY FUNNY IF IT DID YEAH?
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I am glad Hillary overcame her multiple terminal illnesses from 7 years ago.
Taking a step back for a moment ... It suddenly dawned on me that the GOP first started going after Bill and Hillary over the Whitewater thing in 1992. It was only around four years ago that the finally shut up about Hillary, for the most part, and moved on to trying to pin a scandal on Hunter Biden.
The right wing spent twenty-five years obsessed over locking her up. Twenty-five fucking years.