"Someone set us up the bomb!"

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People who potentially would even vote for her are more concerned with her hawkish foreign policies than this email BS.

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The leading Republican candidate is openly racist but wingnuts expect us to be all hot and bothered about how Hillary Clinton sent email?

I don't think so.

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It depends on what the meaning of the word "never" is.

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To Republicans, anything involved with emails is scandal, since to them email is primarily used to resend Obama as witch doctor or white house watermelon patch memes.

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Or terriss messages that decode as "Wing Attack Plan R."

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Schrödinger's PC?

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The problem with Hillary is that she stinks of the A-student. I think that's why people don't like her.

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Why this isn't being shouted from the rooftops by every liberal pundit, I don't understa-

Oh wait, I do understand. "I'm not a member of an organized party; I'm a Democrat."

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But when the other choice is some flavor of abjectly insane nihilism...

Well, I sure know who I'm voting against.

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Someone needs to start a rehab for that

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Wingnut logic at its derpiest.

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Sooo tired of the Hillary Clinton nothingburgers that Rs have been bleating about since Bill was elected. Last week, some troll replied to a post of mine (apropos of nothing) with some rubbish about Hillary's "lie" about her having "to run for her life" in Bosnia. First of all, Clinton didn't use those words and secondly, I wondered why in the world would this twat be bringing this up now?The first few pages of a quick 'goggle' search brought up hundreds of entries dated... ahhh, 2015.Mind you, Hillary's exaggeration took place more than 7 years ago, about her experience in Tuzla 18 years ago. Uh, okay. The poster didn't acknowledge the fact that Hillary's recounting of that incident in her 2003 book was accurate, so I don't think she was trying to outright lie about it- that was just her memory of it years later.It's all such bullshit, and these mental defectives will just not fucking stop. I honestly can't understand the willingness of the voters who go along with the spending of millions and millions of dollars and man-hours, for nothing. Apparently they hate Hillary much more than they hate government waste and inaction.Don't know if y'all saw this last week, but Schiff is saying enough is enough. 'Course he's being ridiculed by the right, because the select committee is this close to hitting the jackpot. No, for real. They really mean it this time! *le sigh*


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They also hate her for sticking by Bill, nor have they forgotten or forgiven her for her cookie-baking remark.

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