About that inauguration crowd...


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Thanks! I'm crazy envious of her (she didn't graduate this year, but did stay to see the commencement speech, because are you kidding me?).

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it will probably make you laugh and cry, unless you’re a fuckhead, in which case go to hell.

If I ever wrote a book, I would want to earn this review and have it as a blurb on the back cover.

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Third-party I'm guessing.

Because Stein and Sanders are so the same thing. They both start with 'S'!

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i read this the day it came out...it's even more powerful, painful, and enraging to re-read now.... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Why isn't she president America? Seriously why Trump over her? At least she'd have your backs instead of cutting your healthcare to build a pointless wall. I loved the speech though and I bet Trump is fuming at it.

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OT - I so want macramé to make a comeback.

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She had the audacity to be female and have ambitions. Heresy.

If I had a nickel for every supposedly liberal man (lookin'@ you, Bernie Bros) who told me "I just dont like her and don't trust her and I can't put my finger on why...". Yeah, you can, dudes. Its 'cause she's a she.

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Russia doesn't pay you to do any of those.

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Understand the context. HRC made the "magic wand" statement in response to Bernie Sanders policies that were essential to revolutionize government so that American government is no longer oligarchic, to which HRC answered with the brain dead "magic wand" statement, which any intelligent, sane person can see as her poor attempt to ridicule serious structural change in corrupt practices and policies, because "the real world" she lives in is ruled by Goldman Sachs, Wall Street and corporate structures of the very rich. To propose changing corrupt practices, and getting big money influence out of politicis, she is saying, is not living in the real world, and to suggest otherwise is to believe in magic wands. To find out what is actually possible, one has to consider what is impossible, and that very inquiry into what is considered impossible, changes what is possible. But HRC ain't having it. Except in speeches at Wellesley, yesterday and in 1969.

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That's amazing. Would like to use this version of the tune over at MMFA.

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I would get that line a lot. I'd also get that Benghazi/email spiel. I generally respond with "What exactly has she been charged with, indicted for, and convicted of?" Then I like to remind conservatives that the longest and most expensive investigation in our nations history (Benghazi) overshadows the 911 commission, the Warren commission and even the Nuremberg trials. That incredibly expensive and time consuming political theater resulted in an admission of no culpability on anyone's part for anything.

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C'mon, Joyce, just admit it. You're a prostitute, aren't you? It's OK, we're not here to judge.

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Yeah, if there's anyone who understands the art of the possible, it's Bernie Sanders and his supporters.


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that is exactly right, and you should see an oculist about your googly eye problem

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Yes, it's so "exactly right" that he got his ass kicked in the Democratic primaries.

You do remember the Democratic Party, right? Hint: It's the one that your boy Sanders is too fucking pure (read: full of himself) to join.

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