can't wait til next year when I get a choice between a second Clinton or a third Bush. Democracy!

To quote Boss Tweed, "I don't care who does the electing so long as I do the nominating."


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One of my absolute favorite things was how, in the second decade of the 21st century, my university gave us some miniscule amount of space on the Outlook servers for our official email accounts, like 100MB or something. Then, just to make it extra fun, the administration would bomb everyone on campus with daily garbage emails just chock to the brim with completely unnecessary images, which, of course, were embedded in the messages and not linked to on external servers.

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Yawn. Doesn't matter what the non story is. Squirrel or Benghazi or blowjobs or now this. Pathetic diversions from the craven plundering the repulicrapstheirpants party subjects us too. Getting old and tired and strictly to pander to the gray haired diaper crowd to occupy their time in between Peoples Court and Judge Judy.

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Whatever you do, don't go to a website called JebBushSheMales.

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They gave us Windows 8 tablets and skydrive accounts, and then , I ran out of storage space. The tablets and the skydrive don't have enough memory. I now have to store all videos on a separate memory stick. (history teacher so lots of videos) Yeah, that's useful. Thanks.

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So when do the impeachment proceedings start? Before or after she beats Jeb Bush?

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TO BE FAIR, the Left was pretty upset when the Bush Administration was using personal email accounts for official gummit bizness.

Of course, they were trying to turn America into the oligarchic, third-world, police state that it is rapidly approaching, so there's that.

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I hope she turned over the SPAM, too. You can learn so much about someone from their SPAM.

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If she was sending love notes to General Petraeus lots of heads will explode

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Unfortunately, HRC is exactly the type of person who, if her address gets out, will find themselves subscribed to thousands of new gay porn feeds on a daily basis, courtesy of the 101st fighting keyboards.

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So tired of all the scandals, Obama should totally resign and hand over the White House to Boehner The Orange Hammer. That will save us from all the terrorist Rethugican shankings forever!

Also,too, Dear Buddha, please bring me a pony and a plastic rocket....


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Must be a slow news day.

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You call that a scandal? No sex? No drugs? No murder?

Pics of her pegging the young poolboy or GTFO.

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And you know Barry totally had them keep an eye on her...

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That's a feature, not a bug. I remember feeling the same way after Bill's 8 years and thinking, "It won't be so bad if the Republican wins the next one. It'll shut those fucking people up and the country's in good shape...how much harm could a Republican really do?"

Boy, did I underestimate the Shrub, or what?

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That's only because he forgot his password.

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