Searching for "Benghazi","Bengazzi," "Beengassy " and "Bengazzarra" is SOOOOO HARD!

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Yup! Collateral Damage!

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I don't understand the controversy. If she had a .gov account and still had a private e-mail, couldn't she have just used the private one for official business without telling anyone? If the whole hullabaloo is about what is private or not then any e-mail sent to or from anyone in government service on any account would by definition have to be saved and scrutinized. They are asking her to turn over every piece of correspondence written on any subject while she was SoS. That's just nuts.Another question. I'm not an IT guy but if she sent an e-mail doesn't it have to go through a server belonging to the service provider? According to the RWNJ's that is all stored by the NSA under Gowdy's bed or something.

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Keep your eyes on Associated Press, the ultimate free press gatekeeper. They filed an FOIA request to give legs to the phony Hillary email scandal. Remember that the so-called liberal press was always in the tank for GWB, giving him a pass for acting like a complete psychopath, while hammering foibles of his Presidential opponents. Fox News draws the heat for its blatant propaganda. AP subtly shapes the information landscape, but with another Bush in the offing, they may not be able to contain themselves.

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On Sunday Colin Powell said that he not only used private emails exclusively, he has had them ALL deleted. Today David Corn of the very liberal Mother Jones said as a reporter and historian he is deeply troubled that Hillary decided which emails to turn over. But he is not at all fussed that Powell destroyed his official emails. Now MSM has admitted that there were no laws broken so it is all about how Hillary mishandled the "scandal" and how bad it is that she has no declared because there is so little time between now and Novermber 2016. Apparently she is planning to do so soon. Any bets as to how quickly they switch to how turned off voters are by this long campaign? I give them a week.The problem is the "libera" media and Dems who get bamboozled by their idiotic talking points and phony scandals. No matter who winds up running they will trash them. Look how they lied about Gore. http://www.angelfire.com/in...

And they have never gone hard on the Bush family. Not Poppy for lying about his deep involvement in Iran Contra. Not Bush Jr. for insider trading at Harken Energy or ditching his National Guard obligations, and not Jeb for his very shady business partners or for helping a known terrorist escape justice (sounds unbelievable? Google Jeb Bush and Miguel Recarey, Camilo Padreda, and Orlando Bosch). And they are lying about Jeb being a moderate. He was one of the original neocons who founded PNAC and he has several of those warmongerers as advisers on foreign policy.

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Not just the AP. The anew York Times is a big offender. Ditto the WaPo. And a lot of folks at NBC/MSNBC. And now the head of CBS News is David Rhodes who was a trained by Roger Ailes at Fox News and became a VP of news for that right wing propaganda network. Read this article to see how reporters from many mainstream outlets lied about Gore while giving Bush a pass.http://www.angelfire.com/in...

This statement by Margaret Carlson is particularly disturbing:

Few journalists saw anything wrong with this double standard. In fact, some found it amusing. "You can actually disprove some of what Bush is saying if you really get in the weeds and get out your calculator, or you look at his record in Texas," Time magazine columnist Margaret Carlson told radio morning man Don Imus at the height of the campaign. "But it's really easy, and it's fun, to disprove Gore. As sport, and as our enterprise, Gore coming up with another whopper is greatly entertaining to us."

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Yeah, it is now all about how she "mishandled the scandal." What scandal, you ask? Well, sources off the record allude to rumors circulating of a growing suspicion that some in Washington characterize as supporting the existence of some overheard comments that have been interpreted as indicating the existence of allegations of an as-yet unspecified scandal. Further details are not yet available at this time. Check back here for updates as this story develops.

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It's not hard, but you are incorrect.

The issue is not formal vs. informal; it is all about VERB. One says "Bob and I" before a verb (i.e. Bob and I jumped out of the boat). One says "Bob and me" if there will be no verb (i.e The lady gave the wrong information to Bob and me).

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Well, I'm 71 and kinda wish I had moar gray hair, actually. I gave up dying my hair red, (as fun as it was to be a ginger) around 50, and have not regretted it. Nor have I suffered or felt deprived or old. I've found it to be a respect magnet, strangely enough. Besides, I read somewhere today that gray hair is the bomb, currently. Throw some beet juice on it and embrace it. Be stylin';-D

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No, she probably ordered an aide to send emails for her.

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THIS is why I read comments at Wonkette.

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Mitchell also comes off as someone prepped for the presser by the GOP by asking such a question. As if the Bush family wasn't practically giving blowjobs to the Saudis.......

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Has to be a westerner or southerner...regional strategy, y'know.

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Or she said "device" when she meant "service."

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They didn't know how to deal with BHO at the time he was a candidate, but they found their inner KKK by the time he took office. They had their knives sharpened for HRC in 2008 and the Ds threw them a curve by nominating BHO. A lot of what they have on her is so old nobody gives a shit...and the stuff they're digging up now looks desperate. Their purpose is to get the Ds to turn on her early and deliver up a weak candidate. HRC is a total street fighter and able to eviscerate the bastards. I'd say emasculate...but I thing so many of the current Rs in Congress lost their balls a long time ago.

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I don't think any of them have a clue how much anger women have suppressed over some of the treatment they've been given in the media, in the workplace, in legislative bodies.

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